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January 23, 2008

Couple Things...

Another day and another actor found dead. Is this going to be the theme for 2008? I knew the writers strike was bad, but seriously. Okay, no more kidding, it’s kind of rude to joke about the dead. It’s actually very sad, but there is some irony. Heath Ledger is the new Joker, but the Joker from the last movie is still alive. So tell me Batman, how is Jack Nicholson still with us? Riddle me that.


Shia LaBeouf, give me a call. I found your next role, and you get to play a bad guy. You’re Marine Cpl. Cesar Laurean, the guy that killed a girl he raped and has just been seen in Mexico. As far as movies go, this has it all: a rape, a murder, some cover up, guy on the run, a wife at home and we can Hollywood it up. He could really be innocent and really trying to find the real killer, like Dr. Richard Kimble or OJ. And if you don’t take it, I’m afraid Justin Timberlake will.

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