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January 14, 2008

The Jay Oh Bee and Shrimp

My line of thinking has been that after the wedding, I’d start looking for a new gig. Not that hard-core, gotta find a job as soon as possible, can’t take it any more urgency. Just the, let’s see whats out there, and try to get some more money. And hopefully a job I like more, or even at all. But there’s been some rumors flying around work, about some impending layoffs. And today is supposedly D-Day. As you can imagine, I’m a bit nervous.

There are a few things in my favor; number one being my department has actually been growing at a pretty impressive rate. But regardless, I’m not uber-comfortable with things. Leaving a job, in any fashion, is a bit unsettling. But the stakes are higher for me now, having the fam and all. So we’ll see what the day brings. I’m also worried about some friends (well, all the friends I work with. To only worry about some friends, would be a real dick move) But one of the things that worries me the most, is if heaven forbid I’m one of the un-lucky ones, how would I compete in a market with 7,000-10,000 others when the majority of them have degrees and more experience than I have hair? I guess the fact that I’d be willing to swallow my pride and take multiple shitty jobs, is a notch in my favor.

So this is part of being an adult? Well, it sucks. And really, I wonder how horrible massive layoffs would be for Kansas City? Real-estate is already in the shitter, and it isn’t as if there’s an abundance of jobs around town.


Well that last rant was a bit somber, let’s take it up a notch. I done good this past weekend, real good. I actually tried a new food, SHRIMP! Ignore all the obvious short jokes, this is huge. Who knows, I just might make a habit out of this, but probably not.

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