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January 17, 2008

Ringer Etiquette

Yesterday I spent a good chunk of the day in a waiting room at the hospital; the mother-in-law to be was having some surgery (everything went fine). And as if a hospital waiting room isn’t painful enough, with the stress of waiting for an update, the almost comfortable yet still un-comfortable chairs, and awkward glances with others. Well, then came something else, repeatedly, to make the wait more awful. Adults who have chosen this as the time to test out the different ring tones on their cell phones, and without the slight courtesy of turning their volume down. Seriously, in two hours time, there were two seemingly normal adults (one man, one woman both between 40 and 55) who went through their entire ring tone library. You might expect this out of a 14 year old girl, and even she should suffer a painful death, but these two deserve no mercy.

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