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January 07, 2008

All Over The Place

I love DVR, I do. I think it’s the bee’s knees, but sometimes it can really piss me off. For example last night, I wanted to record “60 Minutes” so I could watch the Roger Clemens interview. Sounds easy enough, I open up the guide and go to the show, select record. Done, looking forward to seeing what he has to say. Oh, the football game ran late. I’m thinking that might be a problem, and you know what? It was. Since the game went late, the show started late, and the DVR only recorded until “60 Minutes” was scheduled to end. Which ended my viewing of the interview in mid-sentence, and for this, I blame Clemens.


Watched A Mighty Heart over the weekend, pretty solid flick with a great performance by Angie “the home-wrecker” Jolie. (that’d be her name if she was a WWE wrestler). Intense movie, that feels more like a documentary than most actual documentaries. Jolie is Oscar-worthy, and I even forgive her for The Good Sheppard. Interesting aspect of the movie is hearing them talk about these different areas of the city they are in, then hear the same areas mentioned on the news in the wake of the Bhutto assassination.

Okay gang, quick sidebar about that heart warming story. In a segment on “60Minutes” that I saw, you know, before DVR kicked me in the nuts, I saw the Prime Minister of Pakistan actually blame her for getting killed. Okay, she may have ignored some warnings and put herself in a pretty dangerous situation, but I’m pretty sure she didn’t set off any bombs or fire and rounds. I don’t have proof, it’s just a feeling I have.


I’m waiting on a file I need to show up on a website, clicking refresh has replaced waiting on a pot of water to boil. Every time I hit refresh, my keyboard should jump up and slap me. Sometimes I try to out think it, so I close Windows and re-open it and head back to the reporting site. I haven’t won yet.


New award I’d like to present this year, “Most Annoying Person in KC” And it doesn’t even get handed out to the last asshole wearing a mullet and Chiefs’ Zubaz, he’s just a moron. No, this years award goes to Shorty, of “Shorty and the Boyz” She sounds as if she’s been smoking three packs a day since 4th grade, she loves to laugh at her jokes (which leads to “the boyz” following suit) and the flaw here is: she’s never once said anything funny. She’s super excited about every little thing that happens, and it’s nauseating. I think when she shits; she acts like the mother of a new born, only she adores her own poo. This woman needs to go away, far far away. If this Kansas City was “Survivor” she should be the first one voted off. If KC is pregnant, she should be aborted, even a partial birth abortion. I don’t care if it’s a hangar in a back alley off of Independence Avenue, she’s that annoying. I just grossed myself out.

1 comment:

Porqchop said...

60 Minutes and the Amazing Race run late (due to football) just about every weekend. You'll have to manually adjust your series recording option to end approximately 60 minutes later.