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January 04, 2008

Way too Hirpsonal

It’s easy to take shots at Britney Spears, and I’ve taken more than a few. My shots at her kind of makes me a giant asshole, or is at least more evidence to the asshole that is I, because I have experience with a lot of the shit she’s going through and putting her kids through. It’s not exactly first-hand, for that I think it would mean I either lost my kids because of a drug problem or that I was removed from the custody of my parents. But my sister has lost custody of her kids because of her drug problem, something I’ve touched on here from time to time.

So this latest Spears-ident didn’t inspire me to poke more fun at her or bitch about her parenting, it just made me sad. I know what everyone thinks about her, and I think it too, but that also means everyone thinks those things about my own sister. And you know what? It’s mostly true. Aint that a bitch? I love my sister, but I’ll never understand how she let things get so far gone. Or maybe I’ll never understand that she never let anything happen at all, and I’ll never comprehend just how badly drugs can fuck someone up.

As I’ve said before, I know plenty of people who have taken all sorts of drugs, and they have still lead productive lives. Which makes this all more confusing, and that much easier to play the, “if they loved ___, they wouldn’t allow things to progress like this.”

I’ve been beyond angry at my sister for all the pain she’s caused, and all the horrible decisions they made. And I still hold her accountable for everything, even if at times I wonder if she’s had anything that even resembles control. And with Britney, it’s easy and logical, to feel outraged because she has all the money in the world, so she doesn’t have the same stresses at every other parent. She doesn’t have to worry about paying for daycare, saving for college, finding a sitter, paying the mortgage all while juggling a career. But money doesn’t come with a brain, and kids don’t come with instructions.

Oddly, it’s become suddenly apparent what fucked Britney up so much, her mother. I am not saying they didn’t love her nor do the best she could. But they didn’t view her as a child and nothing else; they viewed her as a meal ticket. This is evident by the fact that baby sis is with child, and mom is cashing in on the baby pics and publishing a book on parenting. To have two kids make identical mistakes, and make money off of both? That’s the most criminal aspect of all of this.

I don’t know this for sure, and it’s obviously some Monday Morning Psychology, but I think something similar was the start of my sisters’ problems. She was adopted, and for that to happen, she had to be put up for adoption. Which seems to me, could easily lead to feeling abandoned. No matter how hard our parents tried, they were up against a big unknown. I have other friends who were also adopted, and they’ve turned out fine, or as fine as anyone else. They’re happy; they’re good parents with fantastic families. And they never got caught up drugs.

Then I get all this guilt when I point the blame at the parents, like I did with Britney. When I know damn well my parents aren’t the reason or even a slight cause in all that my sister did. It brings up all sorts of nature versus nurture questions, and frankly I wish I had paid better attention in psychology now. You’d think after taking it three times, I’d know more. But I think I know enough to be a shrink, and learned directly from shrinks, not those silly professors.

So yeah, Britney Spears is easy to make fun of. She’s a complete fuck up, who had it all and pissed it all away in the most horrific and captivating way possible. And it’s sad, just sad. It stopped being funny or entertaining a while back, even though we were still laughing and entertained. And my sisters’ situation, is just fucking sad too. And neither will end in our lifetimes, because there are kids involved. And they are affected today, and will affect the lives of their children and so on. So, Happy Friday. And oh, how ‘bout them Hawks?

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