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August 04, 2008


I took my Focalin this morning, but I’m totally ADD today. Maybe it was the lack of sleep, I dunno. So far I’ve gone to talk to a friend in the next cube three times, about random stuff, I’ve worked on two different projects, called the wife, started two blog entries and lost my train of thought four times. Best of all, I have three meetings to attend today. Two are utterly pointless and completely frustrating, and I have nothing to add or take away from the last. That’s a productive day if I’ve ever heard of one. Meanwhile my Outlook reminder keeps going off, and I’m hitting snooze with the frequency of a 16 year old, only I’m not scratching my nuts afterwards.

The culprit, that has kicked my ADD into overdrive, is my good ol’ friend, Anxiety. I hate that guy. My buddy on my team is most likely moving to another team, which sucks on numerous levels. He’s the only other person on this team with half a brain, the only one I can trust to carry his load, enjoy going to lunch with, and doesn’t annoy me with every word he utters. Some of the others may have one or even two of those traits, but not all. Plus, there’s a rumor that someone higher up isn’t very happy with the work our team has produced. This means added pressure and a heavier load on my shoulders, and the weight has increased nicely over the past few months. Blogging is no longer the most time consuming task of my day, and sometimes I go days without a chance to even blog once. That’s some hard work right there.

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