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August 29, 2008


Last night, like most of America, my wife and I sat mesmerized by all that is Barack Obama. We were in awe of his speech, both the substance of it and the artistry in which he delivered it. We were moved by his story, as it continues to be written. And perhaps most of all, we were impressed by the behavior of his daughters. That’s gone un-noticed too long.

For all of those who feel he doesn’t represent them, doesn’t know what they go through, they didn’t notice the toothless smile of his 7 year old. I’m pretty cynical, but I don’t think you can fake parenting. And to have your 7 year old sit through a speech like that, and remain on her best behavior, well that’s what an “every man’s” dream. Anyone who can parent, two young girls, has enough experience to qualify for any job.


John McCain’s pick for his VP, Sarah Palin looks qualified for a job in the White House, as one of Bill Clinton’s interns. Seriously, she looks like every other soccer mom at Oak Park Mall. Maybe she is qualified to be the next in line for President, beside a 72 year old who has been thrice treated for cancer. And their biggest knock on Barack is lack of experience? Palin is Governor of Alaska, that’s not a state, it’s a large park. Basically she’s just a glorified park ranger. Maybe it’s just me, but this pick sounds like playground politics, “see, I’m for change too. I picked a girl!”

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