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August 11, 2008


This weekend I was looking over my collection of DVD’s and CD’s, and I paid special attention to how I had them both organized. I have my movies on these little Ikea racks so the cases face outward. The movies are in, pretty much, a specific order in each rack. Starting on the right side, there’s my comedies or generally more “fun” movies. Swingers has its home here. So does Mr. and Mrs. Smith, which bats second to The Break-Up, because the wife and I enjoy it so. Then there are my multiple racks of both gangster flicks and more dramatic or action based movies. There’s three racks of these flicks. Heat, The Departed and Oceans 11 claim the #1 spots. Behind the lead off hitters, I tend to go with either like movies, or the same director. I have my Tarantino movies together, in order by personal preference. The Oceans series is kept together, and behind Heat are my Michael Mann movies.

My CD’s are similar, although not as well organized as they were before. From left to right I have them on shelves, broken up by genre, and in each genre, the favorites read from right to left. Oddly I’ve followed the way you read Hebrew, rather than English. And I really don’t know how I came up with this system, but for years I’ve tried to keep it together. When I pick up a new DVD, and I have to find it’s place in my crazy DVD world. But I only purchase maybe one CD a year now, and I’ve taken most of the inappropriate CD’s off of the shelf. I really don’t want the Kyd asking me why Too Short has a song entitled “Blow Job Betty.”

Our books are kept in the same way. But I get the feeling that is more typical of most households. Here are my Puzo books, and here are the DeMille’s, but I give special attention to Klosterman and Bill Simmons. Their covers face out, as if I’m Border’s and want to sell a few extra copies of these employee favorites.

So I really can’t stop thinking about this. My wife used to just group her movies in a random order. Take a movie out to watch it, and whatever you had in the DVD player goes back in the now empty spot. And her CD’s were all kept in a giant book. Oh, yesterday I decided that I would follow suit on this. Being that I hardly ever listen to CD’s anymore, I figured that our bookshelf could use the extra space. And when she sees the empty spots, I’ll have an excuse to go buy more movies.

I’m positive that this tells us something about our personalities, I just don’t know what. Maybe it’s just the different quirks we have, like how we each stir our drinks in different directions. Of course my way is always the better way, that’s just how I roll.

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