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August 04, 2008

Oops, I did.....

Call me Gump, ‘cause I’m not a smart man, and I know what dumb is. I hit recently, to look around at what jobs are out there. Ideally, I’d like to do something where I get to write and collect a paycheck for doing so. And there it was, a writing position. So I applied, and since my “jobs” haven’t been really related to writing all that much, I included my blog address on my resume and in my cover letter. And that’s where I made my booboo.

Did you read my previous post? I talked about all the things a hiring manager DOES NOT want from an employee: slacking, negative comments about my boss, a joke about drug use (and I’ve never used) and being stressed at work. I might as well used the old George Costanza joke, and claimed to have slept with their wife. But then I’d be in trouble at home, and still not have that job.

Way to think it thru, Hirp.

I guess my only hope now is, they enjoyed the blog so much, that whoever read it will get home and pull it up again soon and get a chance to read this disclaimer. Really, I’ve never done any drugs. And the slacker thing is just my shtick. My work, well, I’m looking for a new job right?

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