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October 28, 2008

Good, Bad, the Hirply

I guess I got my swagger back. Let’s get to it. We’ll lead off with the good news. As I mentioned in my previous post, the Wife and I got a house. We’re talking about a real house, no one living above us or directly next to us. It has yard, garage, basement and a laundry room. All growns up, I tell ya, all growns up. We’re ecstatic, thrilled, jubilant, delighted, overjoyed and elated. I can’t believe that in a year and a half or so, I went from being the lifelong bachelor, to owning an SUV and living in the ‘burbs with my wife and kid. Not only that, it’s the absolute right life for me. I wouldn’t trade places, or one aspect of my life, for anything. Maybe that comes from a lifetime of watching (and dreaming up) blockbuster sport trades that backfired more than half the time. Or maybe it’s just good instinct on my part, and even a little bit of intelligence, that I realize I’ve already won.

We’ve been living among boxes for a few weeks, which is almost as much fun as a trip to a dentist who forgot to order Novocain. The dog is going nuts, but that’s just par for the course. We can’t wait till we get everything moved out, and start unpacking. That’ll actually be fun, and a relief. Then I can spend more of time concentrating on my “one-day” plans for how we’ll finish the basement, aka “Dad’s room.”

The bad news, or the very predictable otherwise better known as duh. The feds arrested some neo-Nazi duchebags who were plotting to kill Presi.. er, Senator Obama. This ranks right up there, I mean it’s neck and neck, with the shock of the “Steve Irwin killed by wild animal” story from a few years ago. Neo-Nazi’s plotting to kill a black man who will be President wasn’t (and isn’t) just a possibility, it’s a mortal lock. And we’ll hear about this for the next 8-10 years. I don’t mean this specific story, I mean we’ll be reading about exposed plots for at least 8-10 years. No matter what kind of job he does, although I’d put my money on “stellar,” there’ll always be assholes out there. And “assholes” with guns have a knack of making the times suck.

What scares me, although not as much as the idea of a threat being turned into a reality, is what this could do to the election. Will those undecided (how could you be undecided a week before the election?!) be scared off because they understand that having our President assassinated could be one of the most horrific events that could happen. So will they vote for the guy, who is even more likely to die while in office, but at least will go for natural causes? You know what? I kinda wouldn’t blame them. Well, until John McCain’s inauguration. Then I’d have some serious blame to pass around. Seriously though, we’re supposed to pay attention to history. Well, history is very clear about this. Put a Black Man in a position of power in this country, and his life will come to an early and violent end.

And now sports. The World Series is going on, even if no one cares (I sure don’t). The Phillies lead the series 3 games to 1, so they just have to win one more game to be the champs. Playing game 5 last night, the rain came down, and the game was delayed in the 6th inning, and will be finished today. How is that for blue balls? Imagine getting all psyched up, going to the game, and then you don’t see your team lose a heart breaker, you don’t see them win, you don’t even finish the game.

What does that compare to? If this was a wedding, it wouldn’t be a run-away bride, but a bride who would walk all the way down the aisle, and then say, “Hey, let’s do the whole vow thing tomorrow. Or maybe tomorrow I’ll bolt.”

It’s going through the entire job seeking process, nailing the interviews, and showing up the day you’ll either get the offer or the load of crap about some other candidate who is more qualified. Only when you show up at the office, they ask you to come back tomorrow.

It’s sitting in the waiting room of a hospital, and the doctor comes out, and he doesn’t have good news. He doesn’t have bad news either, he just says come back tomorrow. This isn’t even a cliff hanger, because you expect those. Hell, you love a cliff hanger that leaves you wanting more. That’s what the bottom of the 9th is.

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