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October 09, 2008


Oddly enough, I consider myself to be a private person. Even though I have, and will continue, to put some pretty personal things on this blog for all the world to see, I still consider myself to be a private person. I may write about this or that, but I don’t advertise it. I’m not telling every Tom, Dick and Harry my life story. The fact that I don’t know a Tom, Dick, or Harry has nothing to do with this. But there are some people, and perhaps one or more I work with, that have no problem sharing every detail of their life with anyone with half a good ear and a weak pulse.

Doesn’t matter what happens, they treat it as public information. And for some unknown reason, believe their co-workers actually give a damn. There are some I work with, that I enjoy shooting the shit with, but only one or two have my personal e-mail address. If we don’t intentionally swap home e-mail addresses, I have no need to know anything about you. One co-worker specifically, has no filter when it comes to personal issues.

Not only do we all know that she was off recent to deal with a family issue, as well as knowing the gritty details of what happened, this co-worker went as far as basically advertising the fact. Some of us have dry-erase boards by the entrance of our cel, er, cubes, so we can leave a quick note for those who may be looking for us and didn’t want to e-mail first. Really, we have them incase a higher up decides to cube drop us on a day we may be on vacation or out of the office.

“PTO/Family Issue” isn’t what anyone had in mind when we first got them. You’re on PTO, that’s all we need to know. If it’s because you’re just taking a day to watch the 1986 World Series (I gotta say, it’d be a good day) or if you’re taking the kid to the doctor, all you have to say is PTO. Family issues? I want to know about your family issues about as much as I want to know the cycles of all the women I work with, or which guys shave their balls.

Call my cynical; I just don’t think anything good can come from putting that info in circulation. Call me hypocritical, because I do so in this forum. But, in my defense, it’s pretty much just friends or the occasional web surfer who happened to Google “Tony Siciro” (true story, I get all kinds of visits from people that Google good ole Paulie Walnuts) And the more personal issues, well this is often the only place I’ll freely discuss them.


So rumor has it, Jamie Lynn Spears is preggars with baby #2. 16 years old, with a 4 month old, and she’s 2 months pregnant. This stopped being funny a while back, it just gets sadder and sadder. At this rate, she’ll be a grandmother when she’s my age.

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