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November 17, 2008


I love a good comeback story. There’s nothing as rewarding as seeing a good comeback, and there’s no genre or situation that is as fun to see no matter the story line. Be it a conversation, some solid banter, the comeback is the winner. In sports, even more than the long shot, the comeback has more staying power. Be it a personal story, the comeback is the most inspirational.

Merriam-Webster defines a comeback as:
1 a: a sharp or witty reply: Retort b: a cause for complaint
2: a return to a former position or condition (as of success or prosperity)

And “Entourage’ has come all the way back. It hit the scene and knocked us on our collective asses. It was the most honest view into male relationships, and knew that men generally don’t want to use the “R” word to describe anything. Then a few seasons later it began to slip, still capable of producing a couple solid episodes a season, but far below it’s previous greatness.

This year changed all that. I love that we’re seeing more Turtle, and finding out what a decent guy he is. The signs were always there, he was honest (even about living off of Vin) loyal (even to the point he missed out on some lovin’ because he had to defend his dog) and he was always reliable. Of course he isn’t the brightest guy in the group, but he doesn’t need to be.

This show is always ten times better when we’re dealing with actual drama, and not the idiot brother. When Chase’s career is the catalyst, things really click. And it’s nice to have the boys back. Too bad there’s just one episode left, then I go into “Weeds” withdrawl. I just hope those writers take a page from HBO’s playbook, and get back to basics, so their show can have an Entourage-esque encore.

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