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November 03, 2008


I’ve decided to run for office, because I have one good idea. It might even make sense. I’m pretty much against guns, except for in my movies and music. But if people want to have guns, fine, I get it. We won’t ever see that law changed. So lets treat it like alcohol and cigarettes. Actually, I think I heard an idea like this from Chris Rock once. Anyway, tax the hell out of ammo. Not just 8% or whatever, I mean really tax it. Tax it like you mean it. 50, 60, 80%, a man’s tax.

If you can’t afford the tax, you probably don’t need a gun to protect your property, as you have nothing worth stealing. And if you’re that poor, you’d probably just use the ammo to commit some crime. So like everything else in this country, health care, legal fees, education, we’ll leave the ammo for the rich.

I think Rock once said that a bullet should cost a million dollars, that way we’d see less innocent by-standers as victims.

Now I also have a visual for my commercials. I see sub-titles.


I thought of some Obama phrases that are pretty horrible ideas, but still, they humor me:
McCain doesn’t care about the future; he won’t be here for it
Hey, I’m half-white
War hero? He got caught!
Because a President should be able to lift his arms
The 70’s are over, no one wants any more Bush


I’m sure some marketing company did some studies, and proved that those lawn signs help decide an election. But I say ban ‘em. Do we really want to decide elections by who puts out the most signs? I’m thinking those are voters shouldn’t be voting in the first place. Plus, think of how much money can be saved if candidates didn’t print up retarded lawn signs.

And really, putting your political views out there like that, you’re just asking for your house to be tp’d or egged.

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