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November 03, 2008


I am sore, so sore in fact, that “sore” is no longer a descriptive enough word. But I am thrilled, so thrilled in fact, that “thrilled” no longer works to describe how I feel. We moved in to the house over the weekend, and when I say over the weekend, I mean the entire thing plus last Thursday. Pretty much all day, every day, consisted of load boxes, unloading boxes. We’ve been unpacking boxes, moving boxes, then moving empty boxes out of the way, and ultimately taking empty boxes out of the house. I’m not quite done with the latter portion of the process. Seriously, moving is like the whole circle of life, the Cliffs Notes version that you can get through over a weekend.

We have a nice 32” inch HDTV, has the flat screen but, it isn’t thin. In our apartment, it looked great. But now that we have a bigger room, and a tall wall, it’s just a little too small. This really has nothing to do with the fact that I’ve wanted a big flat screen for a long time. Luckily, I hear that the price for such a TV is going to drop drastically after the Holidays. No one knows how much “drastically” is, but it sounds like a good number to me. So, we’ll put that at the top of Hirp’s Wish List. Please, Santa, I’ve been good. Except for being Jewish, you should be really happy with me this year.

Now I’ve had my heart set on going up to 42”, as it sounds like a good size, plus we wouldn’t have to sell off one of the Kyd’s limbs. But my pop told me about a chart, and it says that based on how far away our couch is, we should make the jump to 50”. How can I argue with a chart?


I’ll be glad when the Election is over. Glad that I will no longer be “reminded” to vote, or that day light savings is coming. I just hope I’m not reminded how stupid the citizens of this country can be.

“Entourage” has bounced back after a couple of off seasons. Maybe “Californiacation” can do the same, but that show has dropped from a 10 to a 7.

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