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November 20, 2008


It’s damn near 2009, I know it doesn’t matter that I feel like the 90’s just ended, we should be further along than we are. No just socially, and obviously economically, but I mean technology. I’m not talking about space vacations or everyone having a robot at home to let the dog out, nothing that would change the very shape of our world today. Simple every day tasks could be, and should be, easier with the help of technology.

Sadly, this just isn’t the case. In my perfect world we’d have the following:

Every vending machine would have the ability to read your dollar bill. Seriously, how long have they been taking dollars now? They still spit out 54.9% of each dollar, and those rejected dollars are rejected more than three times 80.3% of the time. I probably didn’t make up any of those percentages. I said probably. Really though, it should no longer matter if the bill is as wrinkled as Bea Authors vazhïn or has one or four folded corners. Take the friggin’ dollar, give me my Starburst and let’s end this transaction. American’s waste 4 hours a year dealing with vending machine issues, probably something like that.

I want all ATM’s and those terminals at the store you swipe your credit card through should all have the same lay out. All computer keyboards have the main keys in the same spot; they can do the same for us. Imagine if the “U” was different by keyboard manufacturer. At an ATM, the yes/no, English/Spanish, and complete another transaction, should come in the same order and the appropriate keys should be placed the same. You can jazz up your ATM with a nice display or a beep so I know I really hit the key, that’s fine. But let’s keep it simple stupid. Same goes for the terminals at Targets, pharmacies and grocery stores. They should all work the same. This isn’t Mac versus PC, but it’s to the point that I’ve already considered walking out of a store without milk because their keypad is laid out differently. Can you imagine if I was one of those OCD freaks or just really anal?

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