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January 07, 2009

2008 reHirpped

Most years I put together my own Top 10 Movies list, but this year I don’t I can do that. I’m not even sure if I went to the movies 10 times, and I know I didn’t see enough quality to compile a list. Although in 2009, I may be able to work on my 2008 list as movies hit Blockbuster. But since 2008 had so many personal highlights, I figure I’ll pull a page from Porqchop’s book, and post my very own Top 10, with no help from Hollywood.

Separating them out won’t be easy, as it was such a great year for me. It’s like breaking down the Godfather to 10 great moments. As great as any one scene may be, you can never do the entire movie justice. Each entry has a solid 5 or 6 great “moments” in their own right:

10. Barack Obama. I really never thought I’d see a politician in my lifetime that could actually inspire people. Smooth talkers who can win a room like Bill Clinton, sure, but a man that actually seems honest, sincere and the smartest guy in the room? Yes We Can.
9. Arizona Trip. Always nice to get away, and drama aside, it was a great trip; with beautiful vistas, great weather and my two girls.
8. Chicago Trip. A staple in my annual travel plans, but it was nice to mix it up and stay at a nice hotel downtown. Love the city and the friends that live there.
7. My year in sports. Giants win the Super Bowl, I won my fantasy football title, KU wins the National Championship, I won my fantasy baseball title and I ended the year with two good poker games.
6. Writing. Although my blog hasn’t been updated as much as I’d like, I actually started a book and a screenplay. Hopefully I’ll finish them both in 2009. Or have a good reason for deleting the files.
5. Saw my sister. It hasn’t lead to any thing else, but it was a pretty big step I’m proud of.
4. Riley dog. Great dog and fine addition to the family, I just hope she stops scaring the Kyd’s friends in 2009.
3. All the “dad” moments. There was the first day of school, picking her up from school, building forts, watching ‘toons, laughing, reading, and watching.
2. Getting our house. There’s no one living above, below or next to us, a garage for our cars and a basement for our “stuff”, a yard for the dog and room for mom and dad. You won’t see it on Cribs, but you won’t see it on any of those makeover shows either. It’s truly a happy home.
1. Getting married. The act it self, was mind blowing. The ceremony/reception/and the location was all off the charts. It was absolutely perfect in every way, even with the drama we experienced just getting down to Mexico. I know plenty of people who really enjoyed their wedding, some who wish they had just eloped and some who wish they had a mulligan. I wouldn’t change a thing about ours, and I highly suggest getting married on a beach, and even more strongly suggest marrying the kind of girl I did.

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