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January 22, 2009


It’s not that I’ve always done a great job preparing myself for difficult times, but I like to think I do more than most. At the very least, I will almost always play out any number of undesirable outcomes in my head. Often the scenarios I play out in my noggin are morbid, but the OCD and general pessimistic outlook force me to consider my options. This marks the first time I’ve actually gone to looking fairly closely at my family’s financial situation.

See, the company I work for, I’ve mentioned how familiar it is with the layoff process in the past, and the rumor mill is spinning again. The number I’m hearing is around 40% of the company may be let go in the near future. So, by my math, that gives me a 40% chance of being out of a job. 40% in baseball makes you an all-time great, in the operating room it probably keeps a doctor from ever getting insured and that same number may belong to the worst lawyer in the Public Defenders life. That same number, in my situation, is scarier than an un-opened letter from the IRS.

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