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January 05, 2009


So of course, I ended up falling asleep for a bit. I finally crashed at around 5:45am, only to have my alarm go off at 6. Turned that annoying peace of technology off and went back to sleep till 7. At which point I was both exhausted and feeling rushed, as I usually get to work at that time. And the bed that fought with me all night, and kicked my ass, was finally welcoming me, damn near taunting me.

I made my way to the kitchen to make my wife’s coffee, that’s one of my morning responsibilities. It isn’t really a chore, and although it may not make much sense, I really love getting up before her to make her coffee. This morning I wish I drank coffee, I almost stopped at Starbucks and asked them to just pour espresso down my throat. But I did the next best thing, took my Ritalin. Usually that gets me going pretty good in the morning. It’s not like a shot of adrenalin, it just makes me function. By the time I get to work, I’m pretty alert and ready to do a few minutes of actual work. That wasn’t the case today. So I took another one, something I’ve never done before. Not 30 minutes apart, maybe 4 or 6 hours, but certainly not twice in one morning.

It wasn’t long till I felt nauseas. And going home at 8:30 the first day back after being off for 12 days, and being employed by company that lays off people as often as they issue paychecks, well that just doesn’t sound like a smart move. Certainly would not be a good start to the New Year. The second Ritalin finally set in, and I feel halfway decent, just hoping this day moves quickly.

Random Hirpasms:
I don’t like’s new look. Personally, I prefer the layout from 1995.

Will Facebook make it acceptable to start speaking in the third person? Hirp hopes so.

The Kyd is the absolute best traveler. Not just for her age, but for any age. If only she could always behave as well as she does on vacation or in transit.

Marley & Me was very good, but don’t take a kid to see it. And bring Kleenex, you know, for your wife.

First, I have to admit, I’m not a John Travolta fan. Second, that’s horrible news for he and his family, truly horrible. Third, maybe the Bahamas aren’t the best place for nut job celebs to visit. I’m just saying…

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