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January 14, 2009

Hirp on Coutler

I’ve often heard how “hate” is a strong word, and now that I’m a parent, I strongly urge the Kyd to pick a different word to express her feelings. But yesterday I saw a clip of Ann Cuntler, and that four letter word just feels like the truest description for how I feel about her. I saw a clip of her on “the View” getting into it with Whoopi Goldberg, about the actions of half white, half black celebrities. So I went to my good friend, Youtube, to watch her appearance on the show.

She has issue with President-elect Barrack Obama writing his book, “Dreams From My Father” and it’s some how wrong that “he identifies with the father who abandoned him.” She tells Barbara Walters that she read a segment from her book like she was reading Mein Kampf. And she says the whole point of her book is how the liberals are always playing the victim. But poor Ann, the host of one of the most popular day time shows is reading from her book, but she doesn’t like the tone, of course it should be compared to the work of Adolf Hitler, doing so makes total sense. Bitch.

Coulter picks on Halle Berry’s Oscar acceptance speech for saying she was “doing it for the Blacks” and she’s identifying only with her black father, and not her mother. Well, maybe Ann missed the movie, but Halle won her Oscar for playing a black woman who falls in love with a racist prison guard. It’s such a mystery, that she’d identify with her “black” side. This is an actress whose first major role came in Jungle Fever, directed by that black director, Spike Lee. Not that I’m a fan of Berry, but she hasn’t really shied away from movies dealing with race, specifically race and relationships. Bulworth, Boomerang, Things We Lost in the Fire, Losing Isaiah and even Die Another Day when she was the first black Bond-girl.

Whenever I’ve filled out an application for a job, there’s been that page at the end that asks male or female, and then gives options for which race I belong to. I’ve never seen “half white, half black” as an option. Society likes to tell us, that if someone isn’t entirely white, then they default to the minority. And she has an issue with Halle Berry and Barack Obama identifying with African-Americans? All of this crap is coming from a woman who often likes to use Obama’s middle name, Hussein, when she speaks about him. I’m sure she’s not doing that to identify with his white mother from Kansas.

Coutler also took on single mothers:

“If you take single motherhood out of the equation, the black and white crime rates are exactly the same. SO if you take everything else out, single motherhood is not good for children,” which seems perfectly valid to me. But she’s attacking the single mothers, her beef is they’re claiming to be victims and we glorify single mothers with movies, and books, and give them un-do credit. Someone should revoke her vagina, it’s that simple. The single mothers aren’t to blame for this, it’s the absent fathers. It takes two to tango, sure, but at least put half the blame on the sperm donors. Only a woman attacking dead beat dads wouldn’t create a stir, and that’s all Coutler does. Logic, facts, tact and common sense aren’t part of her very lucrative equation.

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