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August 18, 2009

Favre is So Old....

How old is Brett Favre? Here are some players from the same draft (1991) as Favre:

Russell Maryland (retired after 2000)
Herman Moore (retired after 2002)
Dan McGwire (brother of Mark, gone since ’95)
Todd Marinovich (retired since 1992)
Eric “sleeping with” Bieniemy (retired 1999)
Rocket Ismail (retired after 2001)

And some interesting (to me) facts about 1991:

Dan Marino was 30 years old. Joe Montana was still on the 49ers. The Bills had just lost their second Super Bowl. The Rams and Raiders played in LA, Houston had the Oilers. Baltimore didn’t have a team and Cleveland had the Browns, before they moved away. The Colts went 1-15. Tony Dungy was the defensive backs coach in Kansas City.

In basketball, Michael Jordan won his first title. He hadn’t retired even once, yet. Magic Johnson was still playing, and he’s 50 now. Shaq was 19 years old, and a junior at LSU. Duke beat Kansas for the National Championship; it was Coach K’s first title.

Barry Bonds, Mark McGwire and Sammy Sosa had a combined 353 career home runs. Just 18% of the home runs they’d hit, fueled by whatever they were on at the time.

You and I didn’t Google, email, text, blog, surf the net, DVR or own DVDs. No one had CD players in their cars, and gas was $1.14 per gallon. Leonardo DiCaprio was on “Growing Pains.” Silence of the Lambs won Best Picture. Megan Fox was 5 years old, and Miley Cyrus wasn’t born yet. Michael Bolton won a Grammy for Best Pop Vocal Performance, “male.” "Rosanne" was the top rated sitcom, and "Full House" was #7.

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