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August 20, 2009

I Found Myself

I knew I supported health care reform, but when I Googled Hirp and saw that it was a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization at George Washington University (founded in 1995, a year after I picked up the nickname), well I even surprised myself. Health Insurance Reform Project (HIRP) and the best I had ever come up with was He Is Really Pissed, and I kinda was back then.

Here you can see a history of HIRP Research Briefs, which is funny, cause I never owned any briefs.

But hey, I finally found myself. “HIRP is currently co-located with the National Health Policy Forum.”

Still, I’m pretty annoyed that I ever let the rights to lapse. A few years ago I tried to get it back, and they wanted $7,000, because it was “in development” for something big. It’s now a completely retarded collection of obvious scams. So maybe it’s not that different from what I produce now.

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