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August 18, 2009

I'm Scared Hirpless

Okay, so legally I think I understand that in this country of ours, we have the right to “bear arms.” (putting a pin in the definition of amendment) I wouldn’t call it a God given right, you know, that whole debate on if there is a God or not, not to mention that thou shalt not kill thing. So Americans, legally speaking, have the right to have guns, got it. But I have issue with these people who are bringing their guns with them to protest President Obama.

This isn’t just a statement they’re making, it’s a threat. I guess a threat is a statement, but you know what I’m saying. If I’m attending a rally of like minded people, I really don’t think I should feel the need to protect myself. Of course, if those people are off the reservation, as many of these protesters are, maybe I would.

I see two statements here:
1. It’s our right to have these here guns, tell us we can’t just cause that Negro President is in the vicinity, and we is gonna start a revolution.

2. Watch it Obama, cause we have guns.

The first is the kind of point our 7 year old would make, to take something very literal and throw it back at us. She’s way too smart for our own good. But anyone with even a little common sense knows this is just inviting someone to take a shot at the President. How can the Secret Service protect him when they know so many people have guns, and disagree pretty strongly with the guy? Flip the script on them; surround them with a few hundred black men and some American Muslims, dressed in their traditional gear, but with assault rifles hanging on their shoulders. Let’s see if they get nervous, or just appreciate some fellow American’s exercising their rights.

There was a man at a protest outside of an Obama speech in Phoenix yesterday, and he had an AR-15 on his shoulder. Click that link, and look at that friggin’ thing. That isn’t for hunting, and that isn’t for protecting ones home. That’s made for killing. Of course that man didn’t want to be identified, but told the Arizona Republic, “In Arizona, I still have some rights.” Rights, check. And the balls to go on record? Oh sorry, negative ghost rider.

Agree with the President, or disagree with the guy and his policies. Vote that way, and voice your opinion. That’s all awesome. But I know that because I’ve mentioned the President and some weapons on this post, the Secret Service will most likely read this at some point, just to gauge what kind of threat I may be. (Hey guys, I’m really no threat at all. I’m just bloggin’ here.) I’m utilizing my right to free speech and eight or nine people may even read it, but I’m not threatening the lives of anyone.

I get that I probably know less about the law than I do about gardening, and I don’t know jack about that. But even Freedom of Speech has limitations, like you can’t yell “fire” in crowd for shits and giggles. There’s Freedom of Religion, but employers can’t base employment on affiliation. Can’t there be something that prevents citizens from carrying guns when they’re anywhere near the President? It’s insane, there’s no way that it isn’t meant as a threat. Like when the Kyd has a boy come pick her up for a date in 10 years, and I’m in the kitchen sharpening knives and unloading a bag from the hardware store that just happen to contain duct tape, a shovel, rope, a mask and a giant trash bag. Damn straight I’ll be sending a message to that little shit.

This country seriously scares the shit out of me. Obama’s going to screw this country up? If you’ve been paying attention, we’ve been screwed up for years. Pretty much since the start, and even if I prefer this place, that doesn’t mean it can’t be improved. If there was some glory days that I’m not aware of, someone please point that era out for me.

I love, that if we even discuss changing anything, everyone wants to point to the Bill of Rights. Like how so many of us find God, or ask the big guy for help, only when it suits us.


And now its lesson time boys and girls:

1. The act of changing for the better; improvement:
2. A correction or alteration, as in a manuscript.
3. a. The process of formally altering or adding to a document or record.
b. A statement of such an alteration or addition:
4. A material, such as organic matter or sand, mixed into soil to improve growing conditions.

Our key words and phrases here are:
Changing for the better, improvement, correction or alteration, and adding.

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