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September 22, 2006

Chuck, John and Hirp

So I haven’t written much of late. I can’t say that I’ve just been so busy that I haven’t had the time. It’s not as if I have kids or a wife, or even a demanding job. I’m not even entirely sure what’s caused the drop off. I think it may have to do with the changing weather. Been a little bit down lately, and again there’s nothing I can really put my finger on as the cause. Although poker the other night sure didn’t help me at all, and I am a little stressed about this trip to Vegas.

For starters, I haven’t saved as much as I wanted. Not that I need a grand or two to have a good time but, it’d be nice to be able to splurge a little without counting the pennies. But more then that, I think I’m worried about my history of a big build up to a disappointment. The trips or times you just can’t wait for but, they never quite live up to expectations.

Okay, I really don’t want some pity party post. Screw doing that. I don’t want to write that and you don’t want to read that. So let’s just move on shall we? I started the new Chuck Klosterman book this week. I’m not far into it but, there’s no let down factor here. It’s already a home run. He has an essay about U2, a group I’ve never really been a big fan of. Mainly because Bono always annoyed the hell out of me but, Klosterman made him tolerable. That’s a tall order in my book. Once I think someone is annoying, there’s usually no coming back from that. He also has an essay about some time he spent with Val Kilmer, another guy who I’ve never really liked much. And there, I ended up feeling I was still right to dislike him but he isn’t as bad as I thought. The highlight thus far has been an interview with Britney Spears. He’s full of insight into why she has absolutely zero insight and how that has made her relevant.

Recently I also picked up the new John Mayer album and I think it’s his best “album” so far. I say that because, I’ve always been a big fan of his but his releases were never as good as the live stuff you could download on limewire. The albums were always way over-produced, and tailored for radio play where as Mayer, is best heard live. I know some people who really dislike his music, that he’s too girlie for lack of a better word. That’s a fair assessment because; he simply isn’t the balls out rock and roller type. He does write about puppy love, crushes and all sorts of sappy stuff. But I always thought he did so in a pretty smart and sarcastic way. This time out, he’s gone a little more political with songs like “Believe,” which seemed to be inspired by Chris Rock’s rant in the movie Dogma about the power of belief. Overall the album has more of a bluesy feel to it rather than the pop feel of his previous albums.

Anyway, it’s Friday. This is very good. I might be going to see a comedian the Uptown Theatre tonight, Brian Reegan or something. Tomorrow I’ll be at a youth league football game and then Sunday should be the Plaza Art Fair. Did I mention only 19 days and 19 hours till Vegas?

1 comment:

Porqchop said...

For the record, Mayer doesn't suck because he's not balls out rocker. He sucks because he's weak.