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January 02, 2007

Best of..

It's here, the official Top 10 list for 2006. Well, sorta. There are a few movies I still need to see, and that could re-shape the list a bit.

I should have another post or two later in the day, I'm still dragging a bit from New Years Eve. Without further adu:

Top 10 Movies of 2006

10. Clerks II
9. Friends With Money
8. Casino Royale
7. Stranger Than Fiction
6. Little Miss Sunshine
5. Borat
4. Thank You For Smoking
3. World Trade Center
2. United 93
1. The Departed

Movies I didn’t see that I think may end up on the list:
The Last King of Scotland, Babel, Children of Men, The Prestige, Pirates of the Caribbean, Blood Diamond, Bobby, and The Pursuit of Happyness

All in all, I’d say it was a decent year in movies. Best year since 2000, when Gladiator, Traffic, Erin Brokovich, Requiem for a Dream, You Can Count On Me, The Contender, Almost Famous, Meet the Parents, Wonder Boys, and Cast Away filled up my top 10 list (not in this order)


Porqchop said...

Where was "The Cincinnati Kid" on that list? Didn't you see that this year? Sheesh...

Gregg said...

Yes, I did see "The Cincinnati Kid" in '06. And no it doesn't belong. But interesting question, should a top 10 list only include movies released in that year, or just movies viewed?

Porqchop said...

Depends on your list, but I think it's fair game if you want to include anything you watched, including "Backdoor Bung Bang Session 6".