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January 29, 2007

Solid Aces

Jeremy Piven was always a “that guy.” He was always a guy in a movie that when you talked to your friends about, they thought “that guy” was funny, and they remember “that guy” from every John Cusak movie or from Rush Hour, or PCU. Or you knew you had seen “that guy” in some other movie, but couldn’t remember the flick. He was the quintessential “that guy.” Then along comes some little HBO series, and he becomes everyone’s favorite asshole. Liberace couldn’t find an asshole he liked as much as we like Ari.

And being that I’m the kinda guy who is trying out for a Pop Culture game show, I knew his filmography better than most. I had seen, enjoyed and even own an indie movie called Just Write that he did. And within 2 minutes of Smokin’ Aces I recognized Alex Rocco’s voice (Mo Green from GF2) as his father from said indie flick. Basically, I knew who Piven was to the point that he wasn’t a “that guy” to me. He was Piven, Cusaks sidekick who needed bigger roles.

So when Smokin’ Aces was announced, I was excited to say the least. Then I saw a preview, and I was still pumped. Then I saw it on a more regular basis, and I got scared. I started seeing a colossal screw up. It started looking like it was more The Big Hit than Oceans 11. More Lucky Numbers than Get Shorty. So as the release date neared, I found myself excited to see a movie I was sure was going to be a disappointment. Usually I only feel that way before a poker tournament.

Turns out I was pleasantly surprised, and totally relieved. It isn’t the perfect movie by any means, and as much as Joe Carnahan tries, he can’t make Pulp Fiction. In a movie full of over the top characters, Piven actually underplayed the coke head snitch. Look for the scene between Common and Piven. This isn’t Ari, but a guy I can see one day getting an Oscar nomination.

The biggest surprise for me was Ryan Reynolds. That’s right, Van Wilder. The guy has made a career of basically playing an R-rated Zach Morris, and just as Mark-Paul Gosselaar shocked me when he showed he could actually act on “NYPD Blue,” Reynolds held his own opposite of Ray Liotta. It’s a fun little ride, and definitely worth checking out.

1 comment:

Porqchop said...

Couldn't agree more... but you pre-empted me on the movie review. I was going to cover this one (at least my thouhgts were well represented).