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February 12, 2007

Got Dict

We came, we saw, and we got Dict. I’m not allowed to give any of the gory details, but there won’t be any trips to New York in March for Pulp Diction. The trip wasn’t a total loss, the boys and I hit the town Friday night. Austin stepped up to the plate and delivered, even though we didn’t. Seriously, best way I can describe it is its like a mix between Lawrence and Chicago. A pretty substantial claim especially based off of one night and really just one area of town. But as much as I love Mass street, it’s 1996 Barry Bonds and 6th Street is 2001 Bonds.

I never had any desire to really come to Texas, but now I really think I’d put Austin on the short list of places I’d move to. I’ll get back to that later, now I gotta tell you about my favorite bar. Pete’s Dueling Pianos on 6th St. This place has everything you’re looking for in a bar. It had great music, friendly *and cute* staff, and the perfect crowd. College kids, bachelorette parties, drunk thirty-something’s who are getting over a heart breaking defeat, and drunk college girls. I can’t stress that enough, someone should start producing a DVD series that just follows drunk college girls around, it’d make a few bucks.

So Sunday afternoon, the three of us were dragging ass to say the least. Haven’t been that drunk in a long time, nor have I had that much fun in an even longer time. So we drove around Austin a bit and made our way to the UT campus. The campus is huge, but I couldn’t find Kevin Durant and wasn’t able to Kerrigan him to help out KU. Tell ya what I liked about Austin. I loved the architecture of both the buildings downtown and some of the homes in the surrounding area, great mix of old and new. There were murals on buildings, and un-like Kansas City, they weren’t advertising for something lame like UMKC basketball. It was just art. There were people outside for a reason. Like joggers by the river, and people just wondering the sidewalks. Bicycle drawn cabs, pizza joints all along 6th street serving what looked like decent pizza.

It has atmosphere and personality, something Kansas City is lacking severly. And personality goes a long way. For me to speak this highly of a city in Texas is remarkable to say the least. I don’t change my mind often, and I was ready to trade Texas to Mexico in exchange for Paz Vega. But now I’d actually consider moving. It’s not like I’m buying a 10 gallon hat and a belt buckle the size of a hubcap, buying a pick-up and mosing on down. Shit, I won’t even say “Ya’all,” but I’ll admit I was wrong. There is something worth while in Texas. And it’s not just Austin, I was impressed with San Antonio too. Again, only had one night there and didn’t get to see much but, I liked what I saw. We ate some good steaks at Landry’s on the River Walk. The fact that Kansas City hasn’t copied the River Walk is a mystery to me. It just seems like Kansas City doesn’t want to do anything to make itself a desire-able location. You don’t have to be Chicago, New York or Vegas to be a city people will actually choose to go visit.

All in all, it was a great a trip. Can’t say we aren’t disappointed that we aren’t headed to the next stage, but at least we gave it a shot. So we aren’t losers, we’re failures.

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