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February 27, 2007


I got a bad feeling about this. Last night I was watching some CNN as they talked to scholars and other experts regarding the claims I mentioned in yesterdays post. I see some serious backlash to this. I think we’re going to hear how this was a conspiracy by the “Jewish run media” to try and disprove Christianity. Seriously, this is going to get ugly. Call me a prophet, because I see the future; this isn’t going to go well. Of course, I know this because it was discussed in our monthly publication that details exactly how we control the media and Hollywood. It’s the year 2007, you’d think my people would have a website rather than an actual newsletter. (I’m kidding, there’s no newsletter) But in all seriousness, I think this is going to get pretty ugly with lots of bigotry and ignorance.

So I guess this week is when I get into all sorts of controversial issues, it’s really not a plan to piss off my 9 readers. But it might happen anyway. Sunday night I was channel surfing and came across Fox News (still not sure how they can use that name, shouldn’t it be Fox Propaganda) as they were rallying against Hollywood. Being Oscar night, they decided to guess at how Hollywood would cast the White House and all the big parts. It was, oh so clever.

So, I thought I’d flip it. I’ll flip it for real, ya know. How would movies look if the White House wrote the screen plays and cast the stars. So let’s see what I come up with:

• The Passion of the Christ II: Christ Strikes Back, Mel Gibson single handedly takes on those that crucified Jesus.

• The Departed II, all illegal aliens face the same fate as Leo, Matt and Jack.

• A Really Convenient Truth, where weapons of mass destruction are found and the world now loves President Bush, who is played chillingly by Ben Stein.

• Bush: Cultural Learnings of America Make Benefit For American Controlled World

• Rambo 9, Sly Stallone takes on North Korea

• Dream Girls, a group of women who sing yet still also their place in the home. Starring Greta Van Susteren, Ann Coulter and former American Idol Carrie Underwood

• Arabs on a Plane. Bruce Willis faces a plane full of venomous Arabs, and of course kills them all.

And lastly, last night I caught a speech by Minister Louis Farrakhan on C-Span. He spoke about uniting Jews, Muslims and Christians. He also spoke about how he loves this country, that rappers are the new leaders and they need a better message and that the Democrats should impeach Bush and his entire cabinet and let Speaker of the House Pelosi take over the Presidency or at the very least censure the President. And this all proved me right, because if there were signs, the end of the world would be days away.

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