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February 14, 2007


What a dumb, pointless holiday. Seriously, it’s just dumb. And it isn’t because I’m a guy that I think this. I think women should hate this holiday more than us. Maybe not hate, but they should be upset or even offended by it. The single biggest complaint I hear from the women I know, is that men aren’t romantic enough. Well, I’ll argue that there is nothing romantic about Valentines Day.

My proof is in the Jennifer Aniston movie, The Break Up. She wants him to want to help do the dishes. The point isn’t if Vince Vaughn actually does help with the dishes, it is just his simple desire to help her out. And every woman agreed with her. But if he did it, just cause the calendars happen to say it’s Dishes Day, it wouldn’t be a sincere gesture. Much like Valentines Day. Nothing done today is “romantic,” it’s like drinking on St. Patrick’s Day, it’s just what you do because the calendar says it’s that day. It’s just a date to make guys do the things that women like, and if your dude doesn’t already do those things, he shouldn’t get points for doing them now.

A guy isn’t supposed to be reminded for weeks in advance to be romantic, and how unique is it when every other couple is doing something? I understand it’s a woman’s DNA to always like flowers, candy and the rest of it. Really, I get it. It’s like how guys will always like tits, beer and a ball game. So in that respect, Valentines Day is the female version of the Super Bowl. But then call it that. The Super Bowl is the one day where almost every one watches the game, men and women alike. But women don’t get credit for being sports fans on that day, and guys shouldn’t get credit for being romantic on Valentines Day.

Editors note* Wait, do I really need an editors note since this is all from the editor anyway? Moving on, this is really just a note for the women and the single ones at that. I’m not just bashing V-Day cause I’m some bitter, single guy. Not that I’m not bitter or single, but that isn’t my motivation. Also, I don’t need a day to tell me when to buy flowers. Just thought I’d put this out there. Do what you wish with the tidbit of info.

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