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March 02, 2007

Hooray for Hirpywood

It almost seems like Hollywood has made a conscience decision, which by itself proves two previous theories. One, Hollywood has a conscience and two, the intelligence to make decisions. But lately, I’m seeing more movies come out and more previews for movies that actually look worth seeing. This weekend we get another movie from David Fincher, the director of Seven and Fight Club. Zodiac, with an impressive cast of Jake Gyllenhaal, Mark Ruffalo, Robert Downey Jr and Brian Cox, takes us back to the 60’s and 70’s when a serial killer tormented the Bay Area.

I’m pumped for this flick. It has all the right ingredients for a must-buy. And I love stories about serial killers. Be it on A&E, CourTV or a movie, I just eat this shit up. Plus, I can’t say enough about this cast. Its big names, yet some of the most underrated actors out there. Jake is a more talented Tobey Maguire. Mark Ruffalo is part Edward Norton, part Paul Rudd. He just takes good roles, and does a good job every time out. Well, I did skip 13 Going on 30, so most of the time he picks good movies. Robert Downey Jr., well he has made a comeback even MJ could be proud of.

Also hitting theatres this weekend is Black Snake Moan, which looks like we’re getting the good Samuel L. Jackson, and not the guy who says yes to every offer. And a suddenly hot Christina Ricci, in what looks like a pretty original flick, at least for the mainstream. I’m sure Porqchop has a few in his collection that have a sexy half naked white woman chained up, but you won’t find those at Blockbuster.

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