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March 06, 2007


There may not be a torture worse than waking up before your alarm goes off, well not counting torture that includes harm to your testicles. I think I’d rather have my finger nails ripped off. Actually, this is what I thought when I woke up. I’m already thinking about changing my mind on this. I forgot my iPod today, and I’ve been working for maybe 15 minutes. It’s going to be a long day. Maybe I should stop posting anything regarding religion or God? Stupid karma, I hate you.

So I’m going to make another list, it’s been a while since I went High Fidelity on here. Those little almost common events that happen in life that feel like straight up torture:

• Waking up before the alarm, you’re stuck between trying to fall back asleep for another five minutes or watching the clock tick town till you hear that awful noise.

• A fogotten iPod, cell phone, wallet or keys.

• Long red lights, never hit them when you aren’t in a rush and if you look around no one else seems to mind the extended delay.

• Missed calls from when your phone never rang, made even worse when you don’t get the voicemail notification for another hour or so.

• A TV show ending cut off by DVR, most likely you’re just missing “scenes from next week” but, I still like seeing that. And if I’m going to skip watching it, I prefer it be my choice.

• When the coverage of game you want to watch on ESPN is delayed because the previous game went into overtime.

• The person in a meeting or a class, who has to ask a million questions and keeps everyone late. Typically it’s already been covered, and it doesn’t really matter because no one else is even paying attention. Everyone is looking at their watches, trying to get organized so they can do the quick pack up and leave move. And the questions never seem to stop.

1 comment:

Porqchop said...

How 'bout when you start a show on the DVR, and realize immediately that the show prior to the one you wanted is running 20 to 30 minutes late, so you're gonna get screwed out of the last 20 to 30 minutes of the show you wanted. Sucks hairy anus. And happened to us last night. (sorry... had a typo that was potentially incriminating)