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March 20, 2007


With today being March 20th, I would like to re-direct you to an old post that I really believe is a must read. As today is anniversary of the Great JoCo CarJacking of ‘94! Forget that silly St. Patricks Day, this is a day worthy of a parade.

Looks like Terrance Howard might have the same agent as Cuba Gooding Jr. Howard turned in two fantastic, career making performances in Crash and Hustle & Flow and some how agreed to do Pride. Which looks like another Hard Ball or Mighty Ducks, and I haven’t seen either of those. But to go from Oscar nominated movies, to working with Bernie Mac AND Tom Arnold probably isn’t going to help him much. I read that Cuba thought America wanted to see him as the funny guy after Jerry Maguire, and that’s why he did Boat Trip and Rat Race. Truth is, he was never that good of an actor. He pretty much just played himself in Maguire.

And since I’m on Jerry Maguire, I have a bone to pick. Now I enjoyed the movie just like anyone else, engaging characters, memorable lines, a cute kid and very cute Renee Zellwegger. But the fact that this is looked at as a romantic comedy, well that baffles me. Seriously, women got it all wrong with this one. “He had me at hello,” or “you complete me” won every woman over. C’mon! That’s what is wrong with women today. They thought that was romantic, and it was complete bullshit. The only “romantic” aspect of this movie was Rod Tidwells’ relationship with his wife. The whole thing between Cruise and Renee is everything we do wrong in relationships.

You have the woman who is in love with, not the man, but her idea of what he could be. She falls for his smooth words, that talk a big game, but totally allows him to treat her like shit. And you have a guy who knows he has a great girl interested in him, so does what he feels is the “right thing.” There is ZERO romance there. They had nothing in common, except that they didn’t want to be alone. And what’s sad is, it’s true. Women eat that up. Too many times they fall in love with a guy for what they think he can be, not who he actually is. And guys fall for a girl cause they think they should. She’s cute, funny, and smart. What’s not to love?

Truth be told, the only love story in the movie is between Tom and Cuba. I’m pretty sure Tom wanted it that way too. He loves the black man.

Speaking of gay movies, over the weekend I saw 300 with some friends. Fun flick with lots of action, and love how they filmed it. This is saying a lot, because I almost always hate over-done special effects. But they made the effects more of an art, than a replacement for filming on location. So yes, I enjoyed it, but that doesn’t change the fact that this is the most homo-erotic movie ever filmed. Well, that I’ve seen anyway. 90% of the movie (yes, that’s fact, I kept track) is done in slow-mo. So you see buff, oddly hairless Greek men, running and fighting at the same speed we’re used to watching CJ Parker sprint into the water. These men continually express their love for each other, and willingness to die for one another.

And the King of the Persia might as well been Liberace. Dude had more jewelry than Mr. T, more piercings than Dennis Rodman (who actually would have been perfect for the role) more makeup than RuPaul, and longer nails than any woman I know. And what was his goal? Oh, just to make another man kneel in front of him. The only way you could get a gayer movie watching experience, would be to watch Brokeback with Tom Cruise while wearing a pink shirt and carrying a man bag. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

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