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March 28, 2007

Okay, so I'm bragging by posting this. And I don't care. It's pretty damn funny to be honest, maybe a little long. Anyway, just my way to say congrats to my cousin. (see the Eric Hirshberg link on the right? Same a cd)

And while I'm at it, let me tell you about the other links on this page.

First is Porqchop, a friend, poker buddy and fellow blogger. Great blog, highly entertaining and sometimes and more disturbing.

Under that is Eric, click it, buy a cd...Oh I said that already.

Then my other cousin Glen, click it..Buy some books. Read 'em. Fantastic author, great guy.

No Splashin' is the new blog of another friend, more family friendly than this or Porqchop. Feel free to encourage more posts from the author.

Red Maverick Design is a graphic design company that my buddy V owns. Need some baseball cards for your kids soccer team? See him. How bout a poster of your favorite tee-ball player? That's the man to talk to.

There's a link to my favorite writer, Bill Simmons aka The Sports Guy He's basically what I aspire to be. Be like Mike? Nah, Be like Bill

There's also links to my Myspace page, some of my favorite YouTube clips, an old guestbook to some pages I had before blogging was popular, and two pages I had many moons ago that are still up.

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