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March 21, 2007

Rewind, Stop, Play, Fast Forward...

There’s this guy that works in my building that my friend and I have labeled as “tee shirt ponytail guy.” It isn’t the most original of nicknames, but every time we see him around, he has on a tee. Being that this is supposed to be “business casual” it entertains us that he puts the emphasis on casual. Well, today I was walking by a cube, and it’s normal to see iPods or other Mp3 players or even CD’s, yet this desk had something much better. It had a walkman. Like it was 1991 all over again, and on top of that, this walkman was in a leather case. Heaven forbid it get a scratch.

Later I walked by again, and guess whose desk this was? Yep, it was “tee shirt ponytail guy,” now known simply as “walkman.” Seriously, this was over an hour ago and I’m still completely entertained by this. I can’t help but wonder if he spends hours on end making the best mix tapes he can to help pass the time at work. Does he copy songs from CDs to tape, or does he use his dual cassette deck? I used to do that, it was a huge pain in the ass. That’s why we did it for girls, because the time and thought put into it was supposed to impress them.

Or maybe he stops at gas stations and mulls through the $1.99 tape bins, looking for a rare Credence release. Is he more of an Air Supply guy, or REO Speedwagon? Or is it Bob Seager 24/7? You think I’m just coming up with this crap for the blog, but no this is the shit that I actually think about. Ritalin is a helluva drug.

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