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March 26, 2007

Bad Hirp

Back in my Lenscrapper days, my friend D and I used to pass the time by thinking of SNL-like skits. We had some pretty hilarious ideas, only we never wrote them down. So over the years, I’m afraid we’ve forgotten pretty much all of them. Well this weekend I was sitting and talking with a new friend, who told me a story about a friends mother making reference to her “one and only Sony,” a phrase I had never heard. In fact, it might be an original.

But that got the wheels spinning, so now I find myself wondering what would happen if the big tech companies jumped in the, um..toy business. What would they look like? What kind of names would they have? I probably shouldn’t post this, this is at times a family site. Ah, fuggetaboutit.

Sony: SelfPlayStation, aka SPS.
Apple: iGasm also probably the iGasm-mini, the 30 gig iGasm and iGasm video
Microsoft: XBoxxx would be pretty lame, and they usually use just totally bizarre names that make zero sense, like Vista. So forget XBoxxx, Panorama it is.
Nintendo: Can’t decide between Gamegirl, WEEEE, or DP
Palm: Palm Diver
Sprint: PCOYES. They would be late to the party of course, with many complaints about lack of service area.
Motorola: PLZR

Anyway, I’m pretty sure all this could make for a pretty good skit. If only Saturday Night Live still had those.

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