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March 20, 2007

I Need to Stop..

Now I have some thoughts on relationships and friendships I gotta get off my chest. Hopefully you have friends and can relate to this. If you don’t well, stop reading and no I won’t be your friend. Anyway, be it that you’re married or single and dating, there comes a time that your friends enter the picture. So is it important that your friends like the one you dating or are married to? I think it is.

Chances are if you’re married, your friends were probably around before so this doesn’t totally apply. If you’re making new friends while married, their opinion of your spouse really doesn’t mean shit. It’s more important that they are liked by the spouse. But when it comes to dating, personally I really do care what my friends think. It’s not so much that I care if they can be friends or not, but if a friend really dislikes someone I’m interested in, I have to take their views into consideration. There must be something they see that I don’t, and it must be pretty serious if they’d actually feel the need to tell me.

Not saying it would guarantee that I end things, but I trust that my friends always have my best interests in mind. Same goes for when I’m the friend, and my friend is seeing someone I dislike. If it’s just something like we don’t get along, that’s not worth mentioning or anything. But if I genuinely dislike the person, get a bad vibe and see them from a perspective my friend can’t, well I feel it’s my duty to tell them. More so with female friends, I think guys are usually more protective of their female friends. If it’s a guy, this might be sexist, but I’m just not as worried about him getting heart broken.

So how far do you take it? Just let them know that you think they’re dating a jackass? Do you tell them exactly why? With women, I think this is a double edged sword. They want you to watch out for them, but then that whole Romeo and Juliet complex comes into play. Tell a girl that she and a guy aren’t good for each other, and she starts feeling that “us against the world” and that it’s more romantic than dating someone who is accepted by friends and family. I’m pretty sure this is one of my sisters’ biggest problems. She always went after complete losers, and I always let her know.

Really, I’m not some sexiest pig who thinks every woman is stupid. Actually, I pretty much think that a man is the root cause of every stupid thing women do. Like the Rome and Juliet complex, all cause a dude wrote a play. Shakespeare knew what he was doing. He wrote that to impress a girl who was being told to stay away from him. Seriously, everything women do that annoy men are done because of how stupid men are.

Society has always made women feel they need to please men, and I can’t say I totally mind. I appreciate how they dress for us and everything else they do, but the dumb shit. Well, that’s not just on them. The majority of women I know, feel or felt that they’re supposed to get married. That getting married increased the level of happiness in their lives. I really believe that women in general, view getting married as a goal they need to accomplish. While men typically feel it’s something their supposed to do, more of a chore.

Anyway, I totally got off subject there. Back to the original thought about friends’ opinions mattering or not. I wouldn’t date someone just because my friends think I should, nor would I break up just for that reason. But I wouldn’t disregard their input right away. For me, the toughest part is knowing when to butt out and let them make, what I consider, a pretty big mistake. If you have real friends that you trust, all they want is what’s best for you. And if they’re willing to put their neck on the line, it’d be silly to ignore them. It’s like ignoring a lifeguard who tells you theirs strong rip tides, or ignoring one of my movie reviews.

See, told you yesterday I had some random shit on my mind. Would have posted all this yesterday, but I had a date with a few naps. Yeah, we’ve been seeing each other for a while. I really think it’s going to work out. Just don’t tell me to stop with the naps, you don’t know them like I do.


Porqchop said...

I told you the naps were not good, and would bring you down.

Kat said...

Gotta disagree with the nap comment, tend to think they rock myself