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March 07, 2007

Family Affair

So my uncle, he went to Ohio State. A cousin of mine, well he’s UCLA alumni. Now, look at the most recent college basketball Top 25 poll, it’s Ohio State, KU, and UCLA as 1,2,3. What does this mean? It means March Madness started early for the Hirp family. The emails have already started.

See, the cousin that’s UCLA alum, well he was born and raised in Michigan and is a lifelong Michigan fan. Where as his older brother is loyal to their father, and cheers for Ohio State. So come football season the three of them meet up, with an uncle from their mother’s side, in either Ann Arbor or Columbus for the annual game in that great rivalry. They get to swap heated emails, talking all sorts of shit. And I’ve been a bit envious of that, and with this I’m knee deep in the middle of it. It’s fantastic. As many of you know, I tend to enjoy talking trash via emails, and this situation is no exception.

And the tourney doesn’t even start till next weekend. Best case scenario, KU beats either Ohio State or UCLA in the Final Four, and then beats the other in the Finals. Worst case, all three schools get knocked out early. Good thing I’m not a betting man.

1 comment:

Porqchop said...

But what about the Pakistani?