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March 14, 2007


Back a few months ago I talked a little about some phrases/idioms that bugged me, and I have some more to add to the list.

They are all pretty common, but as part of my research I went to just to make sure I worded them correctly. Plus it was a lot easier than racking my brain trying to think of as many as possible.

When it rains, it pours- That’s not even true. Sometimes it’s a light mist, sometime’s it’s a drizzle.

Can’t cut the mustard- What? Did someone try and cut mustard? Let’s say someone did, should we really be using phrases they coined? Not exactly the sharpest crayon in the box.

Beating a dead horse- I guess it’s better to beat a live one? Really, if you’re talking to a big enough piece of shit that you think they beat animals, isn’t it better that they beat one that’s already dead? I know, it really means not to keep talking about an issue when it’s clearly not going anywhere. But I believed in that, I wouldn’t have a blog.

Crying over spilled milk- Is there a beverage that I can cry over it being spilled? Why single out milk? It does a body good, you know.

Get up on the wrong side of the bed- Well then damnit, they need to label the bed. And whoever gets stuck sleeping on the wrong side is just screwed.

All Greek to me- I just wonder what they say in Greece.

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush- What?? How did hillbillies get so much input in our vernacular?

And there’s obviously a serious foot/leg theme in these, someone has a fetish: head over heels, best foot forward, on your last leg, finding your feet, off on the wrong foot, pulling your leg, foot in mouth, shake a leg, brake a leg, leg up. Kinda weird.

Here’s one that’s kind of popular among sport fans, “so and so couldn’t carry other dudes jock.” Why would they want to? What would that prove, and do I really need to know if they can? There are some serious homosexual undertones in sports. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

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