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April 20, 2007


• I was watching this live on CNN online the other day and it sent chills up my spine, while watching it on YouTube last night I felt chills go up my spine three times. An honest, fearless and overall just perfect speech.

• It’s 1pm, and I’m done for the day. First, I really don’t have much work to do, and The Sports Guy is hosting a chat on My world pretty much stops when that happens. His column has one semi-regular feature that I’d kill for, and I know there’s nothing original about the premise, but he has a mailbag. I would love to get and respond to emails about a smorgasbord of items. Personal, sports related movies, music, TV or whatever. In fact, at some point I might just start taking emails from friends and replying to them on here just to see how it feels. You’ve been warned.

• Is it just me or did Cho Seung-Hui sound just like Napoleon Dynamite?

• I’m really not trying to make Virginia Tech jokes, I swear, but can’t someone use this opportunity to explain to me what a Hokie is?

• Alec Baldwin, can you tell me the difference between “constantly” and “over and over again?” Heard the message he left his daughter? Shocker, Alec Baldwin is a psychopath. But you know what? I don’t agree with all the things he said, but it does sound like his daughter needed a good talking to, although it probably would be better if the whole world didn’t hear it. I just get the feeling that mommy dearest is behind this being leaked, and that makes her even worse than Baldwin. To sum it up, this kid is screwed. Are they taking bets in Vegas on when this kid ends up in either rehab or a hospital? 14? I’d pick the under. Mark my words, within two weeks we’ll see her hanging out with Paris Hilton. Alec, buy her some underwear asap.

• Will the Real Slim Shady please stand up?

• Fuck Chicago. Love the town, but they are now talking about building a new skyscraper that would be taller than the World Trade Center replacement, Freedom Tower. I know having the Sears Tower is a big point of pride for Chi-town, and they loved having the country’s tallest building, but c’mon. This is just tacky. And it won’t even be a part of the heart of Chicago’s sky line, it looks like a nail sticking out of the floor.

• Some billionaire in China died, and she left all the cash to her fortune teller. I can’t help but wonder if the fortune teller was surprised or not.


Porqchop said...

Yeah... but Napoleon sounded just like those crazy aliens on Galaxy Quest (as I mentioned in my IM the other night!)

Gregg said...

But I've never seen Galaxy Quest, nor do I intend to

BABarracus said...

What the hell was that?!? Seriously, is that John Chaney taling in a falsetto voice?

Gregg said...

That was Nikki Giovanni, poet and professor at Virgina Tech. Like Chaney, or anyone in the Bush administration, could speak like that.