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December 03, 2007


I’m not really an idiot savant, probably an idiot, but pretty sure it’s without the savant. So I don’t go all Charlie Babbit when someone messes with my routine, but it sure does irk me. I get in the car this morning, to drive to work, and flip the dial to listen to Mike and Mike in the Morning, only to find out it’s been changed. I haven’t been t his bummed about a radio station changing its format since the Lazer sold out back in ’98.

I spent my morning drive hitting the damn search button, which I thought was reserved for road trips, pre-iPod, and rental cars. I couldn’t find ESPN Radio, although I Googled it first thing when I got to work, and I think I found it on 1510am. But I’m not real confident about this, the ESPN Radio page lists this as the station to hear my show, but the stations site doesn’t mention the show.

It better turn up some where on my dial, or I’m going to start hitting myself and yelling about hot water burning baby. Definitely.


I just want to give a giant, “up yours,” to MU. Mazel tov, bitches.

If the chick from the resort in Mexico doesn’t return my calls, I’m going to go down there and drag her ass across the border just so I can get her deported.

Well, another weekend and another birthday party. What happened to pizza parties?

Evil Knievel passed away, I haven’t heard if the cause of death is known or not. But it better not have been something silly, like he fell in the shower or down some stairs.

What makes a McDonalds cup so much better than any other cup? You can knock your drink over and the top stays on. Burger Kings top comes off without reason or warning. We need engineers like that working on auto safety.

Speaking of poor design, what’s the deal with Orbitz and their packaging? The pieces of gum on the edge are always such a bitch to get out.

Something else I hate: taking a sip of my refreshment only to find out they gave me diet or Pibb.

1 comment:

Kat said...

what the hell is pibb?