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January 23, 2008

Couple Things...

Another day and another actor found dead. Is this going to be the theme for 2008? I knew the writers strike was bad, but seriously. Okay, no more kidding, it’s kind of rude to joke about the dead. It’s actually very sad, but there is some irony. Heath Ledger is the new Joker, but the Joker from the last movie is still alive. So tell me Batman, how is Jack Nicholson still with us? Riddle me that.


Shia LaBeouf, give me a call. I found your next role, and you get to play a bad guy. You’re Marine Cpl. Cesar Laurean, the guy that killed a girl he raped and has just been seen in Mexico. As far as movies go, this has it all: a rape, a murder, some cover up, guy on the run, a wife at home and we can Hollywood it up. He could really be innocent and really trying to find the real killer, like Dr. Richard Kimble or OJ. And if you don’t take it, I’m afraid Justin Timberlake will.

January 18, 2008


I’ve posted about my carjacking, and I’ve posted about my back breaking bus ride, two of my favorite posts. And this week I referenced two other injuries/dramas, and I think it’s only right that I give them their proper attention.

The first one being the wire in the cheek incident, and this has nothing to do with sitting on some ancient mattress. This was back in 1991, and for some reason I remember I was watching a Cincinatti Reds game on ESPN, I think they were playing the Dodgers, but I’m not for sure about that. Anyway, I was rockin’ the metal mouth look back then. Unfortunately, or fortunately, the “grillz” look had yet to surface, so there was nothing cool about a mouth full of metal. I remember one bracket; I think that’s what they are called. You know, the individual pieces on each tooth? Well, one had fallen off. So there was just this one tooth that was free from braces hell, and running a few millimeters over it was the wire that connects all the brackets or whatever they’re called (for now, we’re sticking with brackets). Anyway, for some reason I was compelled to play with the stretch of wire that was free of a bracket. In doing so, I was able to pop t he wire away from my tooth, then pop it back into place. It didn’t seem to do anything, since the wire stayed in the brackets around this area. Just one of those stupid things, like picking at a scab, that boys do.

Well this fateful summer day, my parents were off and running errands. I remember it was a Saturday, and this comes into play in a minute. Anyway, I’m watching the game and popping the wire. Then suddenly it pops, and it pops in a bad way. It frees itself from the other brackets going to the back of my mouth, and the wire sticks into the inside of my cheek. It nearly poked through; in fact I have a small scar on the outside of my cheek. We’re talking instant intense pain.

So what do I do? Not much, sadly. What could I have done? Well, my close friend across the street had a dentist for a dad. Did I go over there? Of course I didn’t. Instead, I waited till my parents got home, at which time I held up a piece of paper that said, “take me to the hospital,” and then pointed at my cheek. Being that it was now Saturday evening, my orthodontist wasn’t at work.

We ended up calling him some how, and meeting him at his office, where he removed the metal from my cheek. End of story, right? No, not so fast. Turns out when mom tells you the mouth is full of germs, she isn’t kidding. That little wound ended up getting infected, and my face became a little swollen. They put me on some drugs, and that should be the end of it right? No, not so fast.

Few days later, mom is on her way to visit her family back in Cleveland. She comes up to my room to say good-bye, but doesn’t see the other side of my face which was still on the pillow. When I finally woke up, I saw the left side of my face was huge. So I soon find myself in the hospital with a nasty little infection, so nasty in fact that they plan to keep me a few days. That’s just how I wanted to spend my summer vacation, only not.

But the story isn’t over, it’s about to take a turn for the depressing. My mom lands in Cleveland and her brother isn’t t here to meet her as planned. She waits and waits, and finally I believe it was her Aunt and Uncle that meet her. Something had happened to my grandmother, and she passed away. Luckily, I had seen her a few months earlier at my Bar Mitzvah. And to top things off, I missed the funeral, because I was unable to travel because of the infection, as did my pops, who stayed with me. I should have sued.

My other entertaining injury story is about a dog bite. A year earlier, I was playing football with some friends in the neighborhood, pretty close to where Porqchop lives now. We were playing in a different backyard than usual, I guess it was a road game for us. I don’t recall the play, but t he ball ended up in the yard next to us. No biggie, happens all the time in backyard football. And there wasn’t anything intimdating about this yard, there was just some medium size dog on a chain under the deck. This was by no means a dog like the one in The Sandlot.

So I go over to get our ball, and suddenly it’s man down. This little fucker had decided to run up and bite my ankle, and when I dropped he bit at my thigh too. I freed myself from the jaws of this homicidal-Cujo in ‘burbs and stumbled back to the field. My once white sock, a rarity for me then, was turning red right before my eyes.

Made my way into this kids house and his mom took a look at it and called my mom. Then I realized my sweatpants were damp against my thigh, and for the record it wasn’t because I had pissed myself. I looked and saw, well a not so pleasant site. That little mutt had taken a chunk out of my thigh. There was blood, jagged edges, fat and anything else you may see on “E.R”

And so it was off to St. Joe’s for some stitches, which hurt like a bitch. They had to give me an injection in the wound, and cut some flesh away to make for a neater stitch job. And no, you can’t see my scar.

January 17, 2008

Ringer Etiquette

Yesterday I spent a good chunk of the day in a waiting room at the hospital; the mother-in-law to be was having some surgery (everything went fine). And as if a hospital waiting room isn’t painful enough, with the stress of waiting for an update, the almost comfortable yet still un-comfortable chairs, and awkward glances with others. Well, then came something else, repeatedly, to make the wait more awful. Adults who have chosen this as the time to test out the different ring tones on their cell phones, and without the slight courtesy of turning their volume down. Seriously, in two hours time, there were two seemingly normal adults (one man, one woman both between 40 and 55) who went through their entire ring tone library. You might expect this out of a 14 year old girl, and even she should suffer a painful death, but these two deserve no mercy.

January 15, 2008

The Hirp Factor

Here’s a quick top five of my most painful physical injuries of my life:

5. Broken thumb- age 15
4. Cut on forehead, required one stitch, done with fishing line- Age 5
3. Dog bite – age 15
2. Wire from braces into my cheek- age 14
1. Broken back- age 15

And now I may have a new #5. I wasn’t in a car accident, didn’t crush a finger with a hammer, and I didn’t shred my hamstring playing PlayStation. No, I had an un-impressive ingrown toe nail. And that motha hurt. But that probably wasn’t the most painful part of the experience, no that moment came when they gave me an injection right in my big toe. Which I’m sure you will all try to step on next time I see, so here’s a preemptive “asshole” for you.


Since losing ESPN Radio I have come to love listening to Bill O’Reilly on my ride home. It’s like I can tune into something that gives me road rage, no longer do I need to wait for the a-hole who thinks having a blinker on means change lanes at his earliest convenience. Anyway, dickweed was rambling on about how HBO should have a conservative show like the Bill Maher show; he said the ratings would dwarf Mahers show. And this hasn’t happened because HBO is a part of the “liberal” media. He likes to point out how well his show does, as if that proves something.

Lets enter the Hirp No Spin Zone for a second Billy. The reason your show, and Fox itself does so well, isn’t because everyone loves right-wing propaganda shows, it’s because there’s a limited target audience for it, and if there were many more outlets for that shit, his ratings would go in the shitter. Olberman doesn’t get the viewers O’Reilly gets, because like minded viewers have more choices, and there’s more of them. I’d bet half of O’Reilly’s viewers are liberals, who like myself, enjoy getting angry at the doofus. If more networks had conservative programming, O’Reilly would take a big hit. He’s one of the few choices they have.

He was also talking to a guest who was recently on the Maher show, and O’Reilly mentioned how rudely he was treated. This is the same guy who is reduced to name calling when someone disagrees with him, and feels he has the right to physically move someone because they are blocking his cameraman’s shot. Those aren’t “rude” behaviors, just criminal. Oh, and leaving those pleasant voicemails for the ladies, that’s pure class.


• Okay, so now the news outlets are reporting the layoff rumor. But I’m more confident that it won’t be me or anyone I know.
• In a March 13 post, I said made reference to actors and entertainers taking steroids. Well, there’s a story linking 50 Cent, Timbaland, Mary J Blige and Tyler Perry to an illegal HGH ring. Hot damn, I’m good.
• I remember a time when “black on black” crime was the talk of the nation, but what is up with this “white on white” kidnap/murder epidemic? Seems as if every week another perfectly good white girl disappears. Luckily, it’s only cute white girls and the rest of the population is safe. I think, I mean that’s all I hear about, so that must be the case

January 14, 2008

The Jay Oh Bee and Shrimp

My line of thinking has been that after the wedding, I’d start looking for a new gig. Not that hard-core, gotta find a job as soon as possible, can’t take it any more urgency. Just the, let’s see whats out there, and try to get some more money. And hopefully a job I like more, or even at all. But there’s been some rumors flying around work, about some impending layoffs. And today is supposedly D-Day. As you can imagine, I’m a bit nervous.

There are a few things in my favor; number one being my department has actually been growing at a pretty impressive rate. But regardless, I’m not uber-comfortable with things. Leaving a job, in any fashion, is a bit unsettling. But the stakes are higher for me now, having the fam and all. So we’ll see what the day brings. I’m also worried about some friends (well, all the friends I work with. To only worry about some friends, would be a real dick move) But one of the things that worries me the most, is if heaven forbid I’m one of the un-lucky ones, how would I compete in a market with 7,000-10,000 others when the majority of them have degrees and more experience than I have hair? I guess the fact that I’d be willing to swallow my pride and take multiple shitty jobs, is a notch in my favor.

So this is part of being an adult? Well, it sucks. And really, I wonder how horrible massive layoffs would be for Kansas City? Real-estate is already in the shitter, and it isn’t as if there’s an abundance of jobs around town.


Well that last rant was a bit somber, let’s take it up a notch. I done good this past weekend, real good. I actually tried a new food, SHRIMP! Ignore all the obvious short jokes, this is huge. Who knows, I just might make a habit out of this, but probably not.

January 08, 2008


Here’s something I’m not fond of: when a saleswoman or cashier calls me either “sweetie” or “hun.” I know it’s supposed to be pleasant but lady, I don’t know you. I don’t really care for “sir” either, but it’s a definite step up from the terms of endearment. We just met, our time together has lasted roughly 46 seconds, and the only thing we have in common is this transaction. Where in that brief encounter did you get the idea that I’d like for you to call me “hun”? From now on, my response will be “no problem sweet tits.” Unless, of course, I’m cranky.


I got home yesterday just in time to catch the Roger Clemens press conference. It was pretty interesting stuff, the type of drama that would make TNT proud. They know drama, ya know? He’s a guy I’ve always suspected used, the parallels between his career and Bonds are pretty eerie. I couldn’t help but notice how much Roger speaks like President Bush. The same pissed off, can’t really formulate a thought, but the anger and frustration are so prevalent they can’t be ignored and they try hard to intimidate an entire room.

And I tell you what, there may be some holes in Rogers story and doubts raised by the audio tape of his conversation with his accuser (doubts on both sides) but I think if my integrity had been questioned and I was innocent (of course I’d be innocent) I’d be just as pissed off as Roger is. Imagine you were faithful to your spouse, and someone said they saw you with someone else. You can’t easily prove your innocence, and those accusations are fucking with what’s dearest to you. Yep, you’d be livid too.

But here’s the catch, his anger came late. This all started with the Mitchell Report, and that came out weeks ago. If you’re that angry about something, how do you control yourself for weeks? Maybe he’s just angry all the time, that pesky roid-rage.


There have been numerous occasions in which I entered a stall at work only to find someone was kind enough to leave a little something behind. Be it a full toilet, pee on the seat or short and curlies scattered across the seat. Basically, it’s never very pleasant. But for the second time, I walked in to find someone left the sports page. That’s a good Samaritan.

January 07, 2008

All Over The Place

I love DVR, I do. I think it’s the bee’s knees, but sometimes it can really piss me off. For example last night, I wanted to record “60 Minutes” so I could watch the Roger Clemens interview. Sounds easy enough, I open up the guide and go to the show, select record. Done, looking forward to seeing what he has to say. Oh, the football game ran late. I’m thinking that might be a problem, and you know what? It was. Since the game went late, the show started late, and the DVR only recorded until “60 Minutes” was scheduled to end. Which ended my viewing of the interview in mid-sentence, and for this, I blame Clemens.


Watched A Mighty Heart over the weekend, pretty solid flick with a great performance by Angie “the home-wrecker” Jolie. (that’d be her name if she was a WWE wrestler). Intense movie, that feels more like a documentary than most actual documentaries. Jolie is Oscar-worthy, and I even forgive her for The Good Sheppard. Interesting aspect of the movie is hearing them talk about these different areas of the city they are in, then hear the same areas mentioned on the news in the wake of the Bhutto assassination.

Okay gang, quick sidebar about that heart warming story. In a segment on “60Minutes” that I saw, you know, before DVR kicked me in the nuts, I saw the Prime Minister of Pakistan actually blame her for getting killed. Okay, she may have ignored some warnings and put herself in a pretty dangerous situation, but I’m pretty sure she didn’t set off any bombs or fire and rounds. I don’t have proof, it’s just a feeling I have.


I’m waiting on a file I need to show up on a website, clicking refresh has replaced waiting on a pot of water to boil. Every time I hit refresh, my keyboard should jump up and slap me. Sometimes I try to out think it, so I close Windows and re-open it and head back to the reporting site. I haven’t won yet.


New award I’d like to present this year, “Most Annoying Person in KC” And it doesn’t even get handed out to the last asshole wearing a mullet and Chiefs’ Zubaz, he’s just a moron. No, this years award goes to Shorty, of “Shorty and the Boyz” She sounds as if she’s been smoking three packs a day since 4th grade, she loves to laugh at her jokes (which leads to “the boyz” following suit) and the flaw here is: she’s never once said anything funny. She’s super excited about every little thing that happens, and it’s nauseating. I think when she shits; she acts like the mother of a new born, only she adores her own poo. This woman needs to go away, far far away. If this Kansas City was “Survivor” she should be the first one voted off. If KC is pregnant, she should be aborted, even a partial birth abortion. I don’t care if it’s a hangar in a back alley off of Independence Avenue, she’s that annoying. I just grossed myself out.

January 04, 2008

Way too Hirpsonal

It’s easy to take shots at Britney Spears, and I’ve taken more than a few. My shots at her kind of makes me a giant asshole, or is at least more evidence to the asshole that is I, because I have experience with a lot of the shit she’s going through and putting her kids through. It’s not exactly first-hand, for that I think it would mean I either lost my kids because of a drug problem or that I was removed from the custody of my parents. But my sister has lost custody of her kids because of her drug problem, something I’ve touched on here from time to time.

So this latest Spears-ident didn’t inspire me to poke more fun at her or bitch about her parenting, it just made me sad. I know what everyone thinks about her, and I think it too, but that also means everyone thinks those things about my own sister. And you know what? It’s mostly true. Aint that a bitch? I love my sister, but I’ll never understand how she let things get so far gone. Or maybe I’ll never understand that she never let anything happen at all, and I’ll never comprehend just how badly drugs can fuck someone up.

As I’ve said before, I know plenty of people who have taken all sorts of drugs, and they have still lead productive lives. Which makes this all more confusing, and that much easier to play the, “if they loved ___, they wouldn’t allow things to progress like this.”

I’ve been beyond angry at my sister for all the pain she’s caused, and all the horrible decisions they made. And I still hold her accountable for everything, even if at times I wonder if she’s had anything that even resembles control. And with Britney, it’s easy and logical, to feel outraged because she has all the money in the world, so she doesn’t have the same stresses at every other parent. She doesn’t have to worry about paying for daycare, saving for college, finding a sitter, paying the mortgage all while juggling a career. But money doesn’t come with a brain, and kids don’t come with instructions.

Oddly, it’s become suddenly apparent what fucked Britney up so much, her mother. I am not saying they didn’t love her nor do the best she could. But they didn’t view her as a child and nothing else; they viewed her as a meal ticket. This is evident by the fact that baby sis is with child, and mom is cashing in on the baby pics and publishing a book on parenting. To have two kids make identical mistakes, and make money off of both? That’s the most criminal aspect of all of this.

I don’t know this for sure, and it’s obviously some Monday Morning Psychology, but I think something similar was the start of my sisters’ problems. She was adopted, and for that to happen, she had to be put up for adoption. Which seems to me, could easily lead to feeling abandoned. No matter how hard our parents tried, they were up against a big unknown. I have other friends who were also adopted, and they’ve turned out fine, or as fine as anyone else. They’re happy; they’re good parents with fantastic families. And they never got caught up drugs.

Then I get all this guilt when I point the blame at the parents, like I did with Britney. When I know damn well my parents aren’t the reason or even a slight cause in all that my sister did. It brings up all sorts of nature versus nurture questions, and frankly I wish I had paid better attention in psychology now. You’d think after taking it three times, I’d know more. But I think I know enough to be a shrink, and learned directly from shrinks, not those silly professors.

So yeah, Britney Spears is easy to make fun of. She’s a complete fuck up, who had it all and pissed it all away in the most horrific and captivating way possible. And it’s sad, just sad. It stopped being funny or entertaining a while back, even though we were still laughing and entertained. And my sisters’ situation, is just fucking sad too. And neither will end in our lifetimes, because there are kids involved. And they are affected today, and will affect the lives of their children and so on. So, Happy Friday. And oh, how ‘bout them Hawks?

January 02, 2008

Rambling Hirp

This isn’t a weather report, but today I heard it was 10 degrees and minus 5 with the wind chill, I’m sure that’s different than the “feels like” number they like to use, but I’m not sure how. Anyway, one thing I’ve learned this morning is, it’s absolutely impossible to type when you can barely feel your fingers. This makes the first hour of my day a complete and utter waste, when it’s this cold. This leaves me only 7 hours to accomplish 30 minutes of real work. I deserve a raise for overcoming such obstacles, for I am by far more inspiring and courageous than any Special Olympian you’ve ever seen on PBS.


With all the advances in technology, all the amazing things that make life easier, shouldn’t we be able to purchase a pair of black socks that don’t produce little fuzzies every time I remove my socks? White socks don’t seem to have this problem, is this a racial thing? Are black socks just sloppier than their white and brown (that are just occasionally messy) counterparts?


I broke out the camcorder for Christmas, and was reminded how much I hate my voice. I said I sound like Corky, but Mrs. Hirp disagreed. I think she has to, at least for the next few years. Also, after viewing the tape I just can’t understand what Paris and those other celebs were thinking. I don’t like how I sound on camera, how much ego must one have to video tape the deed and show it to people? They had to show it, no one broke in their house and just happened to find the right tape, and that tape only. Unless it was labeled, otherwise someone would have been selling home video of Paris or Tommy Lee and Pamela playing air-guitar or at a school play.


Time for Hirps Top 10 movies of 2007:

10. Zodiac
9. Ratatouille
8. Shrek the Third
7. Knocked-Up
6. Breach
5. Hot Fuzz
4. SuperBad
3. Death Proof
2. I Am Legend
1. American Gangster

Movies I haven’t seen yet which could very well crack the list: Michael Clayton, Gone Baby Gone, We Own The Night, Bourne Ultamatum, No Country For Old Men, Eastern Promises, Into The Wind, A Mighty Heart, Lars and the Real Girl, Juno, Atonement, Charlie Wilson’s War, Sicko.

Best TV Show of 2007:

Best Concert of 2007:
Neko Case. Lawrence KS, April 6th

Best Song of 2007:
Gym Class Heroes- Cupid’s Chokehold

Personal Highlights from 2007:
A top two, although I could list about 270. March 25, October 2nd.