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February 22, 2008

Write Now

Today is a big day for me. No, I didn’t get engaged again, or hear the other two words that forever change you (I’m late) Nothing like that, but this has been talked about for ages. For a long time now I’ve talked about one day writing a screen play, but never did it. I’ve never even started one, more than writing down the premise. Ideas came and went. Sometimes I mulled them over for months before feeling it was too similar to this movie, or just utterly stupid. Sometimes they were discussed with friends before I saw the story already had more holes than my dad’s golf swing. (I’m not even sure if his swing has any holes, but if it didn’t, I’m sure he’d always be in a good mood after playing 18)

But recently an idea came up from a conversation with Mrs. Hirp, and it felt like a solid idea. Of course I won’t get into the details here, but it’s something I feel everyone could relate to, it has the potential to be both funny and personal. Not in the Juno sort of way, but I can dream. And I know this will never make it to the big screen, and there’s a pretty good chance that I won’t even finish it. But a start’s something, right?

So here’s what I think I have to look forward to: Writers block, trying to write dialogue so that there aren’t x amount of characters who sound just like this blog, self doubt, hair loss (shit) sleepless nights (sorry, Mrs. Hirp) and occasionally feeling I made solid contact and even knocked one or two out of the park. That pretty much erases any doubts that I’m actually not a sick bastard.

But I also get the dreams, the pipedreams that I can get lost in all day. Sort of like the “if I win the lottery” dream we all have. Dreams like, what they might write if this actually ended up being made.
“He wrote the majority of this while working at ___.”
“Move over Matt and Ben..”
“Another short and bald neurotic Jewish screen writer, move over Woody Allen”
“Hirp has been commissioned to write The Godfather Four”
“Zach Braff to study at the school of Hirp”

1 comment:

Porqchop said...

That's awesome. The world needs a well written gay soap opera.