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August 12, 2008

Jst2 Things

I have some quick facts that I find interesting and scary. The average life span for a white mail in America is right about 75 (according to CDC statistics I found online). Martin Luther King Jr and Malcolm X were both assassinated at the young age of 39. John McCain is 71 and Barak Obama is 47. So, what does this tell us? Whoever wins, they better pick the right Vice President. And I hear McCain is considering promising a single term Presidency. I guess that’s supposed to make us feel better, that we know for sure we’ll have a new President in 2012.

I don’t know how that’s supposed to be a good thing. I mean, it would have been less bad if Bush had only served one term, followed by serving time of another kind, but I’m over it. The amount of knowledge I have about politics comes in somewhere between dick and jack shit, but this seems like a move to encourage one thing: give Hillary reason to jack up the Democratic National Convention. She kind of has to play a peace keeper role in the party right now, but if she knew for sure she could run again in four years, rather than eight, I think she might just decide to stop playing nice.

I also heard that one of McCain’s possible reasons for only serving one term, aside from the fact that he’s been around since George Washington’s first term, is to have an a-political President. So why wouldn’t he then give the VP job to Clinton? Other than the fact that every Republican’s head would explode upon such announcement, this could be the best political moves we’ve seen since “The West Wing” ended. Can’t get the image of exploding Republican heads out of my mind, I may just get on board with the old man.


It’s funny how priorities can change. A few years ago I went car shopping, and what I cared about was value. That was pretty much it. I didn’t want to spend much, but I did want something somewhat decent looking for the money I spent.

This past weekend the wife and I went shopping for a new car for her, and although I still cared about the price, must be the Jew in me, I also wanted something safe. I wanted something that would get around well in the snow, more so than I wanted great gas mileage. So yes, we’re buying an SUV. Not a real one, it’s a Hyundai Tucson, so it’s about the same size as a Fusion.

1 comment:

Porqchop said...

The Escape's actually a really well made car. I rented one once.