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November 04, 2008


I’m reviewing the candidates for some local elections, and I can’t help but cringe a little when I see candidates that are MU graduates. Is that bad? I’m looking at the web site for Secretary of State Candidate, Mitch Hubbard, and on the values page, he lead off with his faith and belief in Jesus Christ. Now, that’s his business. And as much as I am for freedom of speech, I really wish people would keep their business where it belongs: on blogs or to themselves.

Really, his beliefs don’t matter when it comes to doing his job. Employers aren’t allowed to ask potential (or current) employees about their religious beliefs. Is it really asking too much to treat these candidates the same way? I get it, I do, and I just don’t like it. When reading the profiles of these candidates, I admit that I am more likely to vote for someone who I feel I can relate to. And we know how much society uses religious beliefs as a measure for connecting, but that doesn’t make it right.

I don’t want to know if Barrack Obama is Christian, Jewish, Muslim or Scientologist. Okay, that’s not true. If he were Scientologist, I’d want to know that. And that’s wrong on my part; they can’t all be like Tom Cruise, John Travolta and Kristie Alley. Anyway, I don’t want to get off another rant about religion.

I’m pretty sure every Republican has to throw a variation of the phrase “better Government, not bigger” on their web sites. I think they can all do us a favor, and take pay cuts, that’ll help reduce the size at least a little bit.

And by the way, I’m not voting down party lines. For Treasuer, I’m going with a Republican. It just makes sense to me, like hiring a Jewish accountant, female house keeper or Democrat for President.

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