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February 22, 2007

Slow Hirp Day

Slight spoiler alert.

I was doing a little catch up and watching my Monday Night shows last night. Those shows being: “Studio 60,” “Two and a Half Men,” “How I Met Your Mother,” and this new “Rules of Engagement.” That, along with “What about Brian,” is my Monday rotation. Anyway, there aren’t any really great sitcoms on television today. There’s no “Seinfeld” or “Friends.” But there are a few solid to very good shows, the best being “2 and ½” and the much underrated “How I Met.”

“Rules” is this new David Spade show, also starring the guy that played Puddy from “Seinfeld” fame. It’s watch-able, but far from spectacular. Anyway, this past weeks episode centered around one couple, that is recently engaged, and how they were fighting on what to do with items acquired while with previous boyfriends/girlfriends. There was a bed, a chair, a cleverly used spatchula, and other useless items. Not a bad premise at all, but strangely it was nearly identical to the premise from this weeks “How I Met Your Mother.”

So, how do two shows that air on the same night and same network, have the same idea? Shouldn’t there be someone that kind of looks out for this sort of thing? Like when Armageddon was coming out around the same time as Deep Impact, that was overkill. But that came from two different studios at least. It’s just as lame as the fact that this season NBC put out two shows, “Studio 60” and “30 Rock” that are both based on being behind the scenes at a SNL type show.

I know it’s popular in Hollywood to recycle ideas, but shouldn’t someone else be done using it before it’s actually recycled? Or does this all just mean I take my entertainment a little too seriously?


BABarracus said...

Hirp, you lead one hot existence. How about a rundown on your Thursday night lineup a little later this week?

Gregg said...

Maybe, maybe not. Maybe go fuck yourself.

BABarracus said...

I'm reporting your sexually abusive language.

Kat said...

What are you the blogger police?