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January 02, 2008

Rambling Hirp

This isn’t a weather report, but today I heard it was 10 degrees and minus 5 with the wind chill, I’m sure that’s different than the “feels like” number they like to use, but I’m not sure how. Anyway, one thing I’ve learned this morning is, it’s absolutely impossible to type when you can barely feel your fingers. This makes the first hour of my day a complete and utter waste, when it’s this cold. This leaves me only 7 hours to accomplish 30 minutes of real work. I deserve a raise for overcoming such obstacles, for I am by far more inspiring and courageous than any Special Olympian you’ve ever seen on PBS.


With all the advances in technology, all the amazing things that make life easier, shouldn’t we be able to purchase a pair of black socks that don’t produce little fuzzies every time I remove my socks? White socks don’t seem to have this problem, is this a racial thing? Are black socks just sloppier than their white and brown (that are just occasionally messy) counterparts?


I broke out the camcorder for Christmas, and was reminded how much I hate my voice. I said I sound like Corky, but Mrs. Hirp disagreed. I think she has to, at least for the next few years. Also, after viewing the tape I just can’t understand what Paris and those other celebs were thinking. I don’t like how I sound on camera, how much ego must one have to video tape the deed and show it to people? They had to show it, no one broke in their house and just happened to find the right tape, and that tape only. Unless it was labeled, otherwise someone would have been selling home video of Paris or Tommy Lee and Pamela playing air-guitar or at a school play.


Time for Hirps Top 10 movies of 2007:

10. Zodiac
9. Ratatouille
8. Shrek the Third
7. Knocked-Up
6. Breach
5. Hot Fuzz
4. SuperBad
3. Death Proof
2. I Am Legend
1. American Gangster

Movies I haven’t seen yet which could very well crack the list: Michael Clayton, Gone Baby Gone, We Own The Night, Bourne Ultamatum, No Country For Old Men, Eastern Promises, Into The Wind, A Mighty Heart, Lars and the Real Girl, Juno, Atonement, Charlie Wilson’s War, Sicko.

Best TV Show of 2007:

Best Concert of 2007:
Neko Case. Lawrence KS, April 6th

Best Song of 2007:
Gym Class Heroes- Cupid’s Chokehold

Personal Highlights from 2007:
A top two, although I could list about 270. March 25, October 2nd.


Porqchop said...

Okay... I was at five of those movies with your AND your favorite concert. I either have great taste, or you're obsessed with me.

Gregg said...

I dont know, you kept track of things we did together...whose obsessed with who?