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June 15, 2006

Chicago, Hirps kinda town

28 Days. Not the movie (never saw the one with Bullock but 28 days later was bad ass)

No, 28 days till Hirp returns to Chicago. Gonna be some good times. Myself, Bum with Mrs Bum and Red. And hopefully Hardcore making the trek down from Wisconsin.

Mets-Cubs. As well as my fantasy baseball team against Bums. La Kosher Nostra vs Bleacher Bums. And Mike has a few guys on the Mets, making this the first time we'll be on the same side. This could be a sign of the apocalypse.

Things that can be counted on to happen. Trash talking, bets, playstation, bets on playstation, the always hilarious did vs n't argument (more on this later)

See, I've known these fellas a while. Austin and I met in Hebrew School when I first moved to KC. Later roomed together for my year at KU. Mike and I met my junior year in high school, his sophomore. It was geometry class but to us it was the 11am SportsCenter. Along with a couple other kids, we literally spend the entire class talking sports. It was great. The teacher never even tried to stop us, and the rest of the class just tuned us out. My grade in that class may have suffered a bit. I introduce these two actually in Bums second year at KU, and Reds first. I was making, oh thrice weekly trips to Lawrence. Don't really remember how or where but soon the three of us were hanging out, playing video games and talking shit.

The talking shit isn't that severe, I've had friends that are definitely meaner. But we have these, now old, and sure fire ways to argue. It's pretty simple, yet pure entertainment for us. Starts of like, will so and so be leave this team for that team. "No he can't" "Yes he can" "Can't" "Can" "n't" "can" This can go on for hours. And it will, even if Bum says it won't. It's shorthanded arguing. Lawyers and politicians should adopt this.

Anyway, I probably didn't do that any justice. Trust me, we enjoy it. Then again, we're idiots. But I am totally pumped to go back to Wrigley. Great, GREAT place to watch a game. Then hit some bars and have some drinks after. Just as long as I never have a repeat performance of my blowing chunks all over Chicago night. (don't make that perverted 'Chop)

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