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June 02, 2006

Matuhirping? Say It Aint So

So, I thought when I first read this bit of news it might kinda bug me. Just cause, you know, immature guy shit. Not the case. But just found out an ex is getting hitched and actually I'm just happy for her. I mean, this is a girl I had a thing for dating back over 10 years till things didn't work out about a year and a half ago. And believe it or not, I'm totally cool with it. Not a surprise cause I shouldn't be. A surprise, I've matured! Never sure if I like finding that out about myself. For the most part I think I'm still the same guy I was at 16, or 19. It's till I hear my age or my friends ages that I realize, shit I'm not a kid anymore. More to come on this subject in a future post.

The thing is, I've always just kinda gone at my own pace through life. So in some ways, I know I'm probably behind most people my age. But in other ways, I'm fairly certain I'm years ahead. And not just because I hang out with a bunch of geriatrics. I'm gonna make a mistake here and admit something. A plot I had in place about a year or so ago. Immature shit. But, it's okay cause it's pretty funny. And that's the rule. It's okay if it's funny. This by the way is why I can't be a parent.

Anyway, with said girl, Hirp was bitter. No shit. Big surprise huh? Anyway, as we know. Bitter Hirp is kinda fun. As long as you aren't why I'm bitter. So the plan came about with the help of a friend, to send this girl a wedding announcement. Now, truth is she might read this now that we got in some sort of contact again. That's one reason this is a mistake. Also, other prospective girls could read this some day. But shit, it was something I DIDN'T do. So, let's make that clear. And who hasn't wanted payback on someone that hurt them? Everyone plots shit like this. Maybe not this exactly. But, it's human nature. You know you've thought about just running down a co-worker in the parking lot. So, really this is nothing. And it was well done. Nice professional design. High quality paper. In fact it went from being a plot, to more of an idea for a cheesy chick flick. Yes, I said chick flick. Make a comment Porqchop. I'm gonna break man law here. Fact is we don't hate chick flicks as much as we say. We just use them for leverage. And secretly, we take notes. Deny all you want, you all know damn well it's 100% true.


Porqchop said...

So the girl you've been stalking (see previous post) is getting married? How sad. Back to boys for you NRJB.

Gregg said...

stalking? I'm not stalking anyone. I retired. And she lives 1500 miles away so if your theory was right, she couldnt be the girl whose boyfriend I see in a parking lot. ass