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June 21, 2006

I Don't Wanna Grow Up....

So here's something pretty much everyone can relate to. What the hell do I want to be when I grow up? 9 out of 10 friends (ok, work with me people I'm not actually claiming to have 10 friends) have no clue what they want to do. Sure there's a few people I know who like or even love their job. But even some of them have other things they'd rather do. They're the lucky ones. As for myself, I seriously don't know. I have a long list of shit I don't want to do. I mean I don't want to sell anything, buy anything, or process anything as a career. I don't want to sell anything bought or processed, or buy anything sold or processed, or process anything sold, bought, or processed, or repair anything sold, bought, or processed. You know, as a career, I don't want to do that.

And that's just a drop in the bucket. Think back to Office Space, and Peter has the conversation about what would you do with a million bucks? I'm on the same page as him pretty much. Except I really don't want to sit and do nothing. Well, not full-time anyway. With this blog I've realized how much I actually enjoy writing. But not really writing. Just writing about whateva da fuchhhh I please. (read that in your best Teddy KGB voice) Honestly, there's a bit of a pipe dream. To write a screen play or two. But usually the ideas I get end up reminding me too much of something I've already seen and I'm sick of Hollywood repackaging stories. Maybe I use that as an excuse so I don't ever have to actually write anything. A sentiment that reminds me of a movie quote.

"Maybe you're perfect right now. Maybe you don't wanna ruin that. I think that's a super philosophy, Will, that way you can go through your entire life without ever having to really know anybody... "

Now add to the fact that I haven't a clue. Nor a degree. And live in what you can call a un-inspired town. I'm more lost then some idiots who crash on an island yet never have to shave or complain about anyone's BO.

And truth be told, if writing were my career or part of it I think that could easily sap any enjoyment from it. Like kids. No, I'm not saying kids sap the enjoyment out of life. Then again, I'm not NOT saying it. But I like kids, get along with em. Could be cause we literally see eye to eye, I don't know. But I never wanted to make that into any kind of career. Careers are easy to sour on. And if it's something you enjoy and get something out of, should you really risk the chance that one day you'll dread going to do it?

Hell, this blog even. I don't know who reads it really, or if they enjoy it. Nor do I have a solid reason for posting. Just the fact that I can, and the idea that some place, someone might read it and get a chuckle at it. Or some gorgeous woman will stumble across it and fall in love with the genius that is Hirp. Meanwhile I find myself saying "20 years ago," and having very clear and vivid memories of things that happened 20 years ago. So I guess that means the clock is ticking. Shit. Can't I hit the snooze button?

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