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June 26, 2006

Uh Oh

See, you know I'm pumped about this Vegas trip I have coming up. But recently I found myself wishing it wasn't planning for October. Nothing against October, and it still makes perfect sense to go then. Ya see, the Mets are fuckin' bad ass this year. I mean, BAD ASS. And October is playoff time for baseball. And it's not as if, KNOCK ON WOOD, they are playing in mid-October I wouldn't be able to watch the games in Vegas. Hell, I could camp out in a sports book and watch it on a screen that's bigger then my apartment.

No, that's not the problem. The problem is the Cardinals are also very good. And St. Louis is just 4 hours away. So the thought hit me the other day. "SHIT! I could go watch a Met playoff game in the Lou!"

And no, it didn't end there. The White Sox are defending World Champs. Chicago is 8 hours away by car, or 1 by plane. And I have a place to stay there for free. Should I kinda start putting money away to go see the Mets in the World Series in Chicago?

And this is when I probably fucked over my teams entire season. How did I let myself think these things?? Am I the asshole that would go up to a pitcher in the 7th inning of a no hitter and tell him "hey, got a no hitter going. Good luck." Please tell me I'm not that guy. It's one thing to tell someone in our poker league they have a ton of chips and not to screw up. Even if it's usually me they tell that to, and I soon after do dump my chips.

This is my Mets. And it's been 20 years since we won a World Series. And no offense to my Cub and Royal fan friends but, I might have just pulled my own Bartman. But, this team is fucking good. We have the most exciting player in baseball, Jose Reyes. We have a huge lead in the NL East and it's not even July. Making the playoffs is ALMOST a lock at this point. Planning for the future can't be that horrible then right? Right, please God. Tell me I'm right.

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