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June 13, 2006

"Think we'll be there by midnight?"

So the Vegas trip is booked. Well, a flight is anyway. Oct 12-15th. Now the goal is to round up some more people to go. As of now there is three people locked in. With some others who aren't sure. But never mind that mess for now. Vegas baby, Vegas. The only redeeming feature to my phone, aside from Tetris, is this little count down clock it has. 121 days left. See, this is how I'm like a little kid. When I get excited about something, I get fuckin' giddy. But 121 days is a long time to count down. Now the trick is come up with other things to look forward to before hand to make it at least feel closer. Like Chicago in July for the Mets and Cubs. That's almost locked in. Once it is, the focus will go that trip.

But like I said, almost. So let's talk about Vegas huh? We're looking at doing something a little different. Instead of the kick ass hotel, we've been mulling over renting a condo. And not just because it has a 43 inch plasma. The price is BEAUTIFUL. $150 a night, sleeps like 8 I think. And it's not that I'm some cheap bastard but, I am on a budget and more importantly I want more money to play poker with. I'm not, and neither are those I'm going with, big drinkers or partiers. This is going to be a trip to check out some sites, hang with some friends and play hours and hours of poker. Seriously, my goal right now is 8-10 hours a day. A buddy of mine went a few months ago, he actually sat and played for 24 consecutive hours. Fuck Cal Ripken, that's an impressive streak.

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